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scenario: somehow despite being broken up, carson and stiles manage to unintentionally coordinate costumes

set post-season 5, pre-season 6


The members of the McCall pack used to love Halloween. For some, it was the one day they could escape their miserable realities and become something else. For others, it was just another excuse to look cute.

After the 3 years of constantly fighting supernatural beings, the night of ghouls and goblins just didn't do it for them anymore.

But it does serve as the perfect excuse for Lydia to throw a party.

"I just feel like another party is in poor taste," Stiles sighs, walking in the high school with Lydia and Carson.


"Maybe because the last Halloween party we went to was crashed by Japanese demons," he shrugs, to which both girls roll their eyes.

"Well, that's because I didn't throw it."

"Need I remind you of the literal poisoning at your birthday party?"

"Okay, you make a logical point, whatever. But we're finally free, literally. Lydia and I escaped a mental hospital last month, we deserve a party," Carson argues. "In this case, one of the spooky variety."

"No way you pulled the Eichen card."

"Be at my house at 9," Lydia demands, as the girls slowly walk away from him.

"And be in costume!"

"It's like talking to a wall," he groans.


The night comes, and the girls decide to get ready together at Carson's house.

"Do I look catty enough?" Carson turns to Malia and Lydia, placing the mask over her eyes.

"Yes, so catty."

"Sure?" Malia shrugs, adjusting the beaded belt across her waistline. "I don't get why I couldn't wear my original costume."

"Because a white sheet is not a costume, Mal," Lydia shakes her head.

"Says who?"

"Says us," Carson shrugs. "Now put on your pirate hat."

"I feel like it was a good enough ghost," she grumbles grabbing the hat. "This thing is complicated."

"It's just a corset," Carson helps her adjust the item around her waist. "And it's not a full one either, so suck it up. Literally."

"Do you know what the guys are wearing?"

"Uh, Isaac's gonna be a pirate too," Malia looks up as Carson finishes tying the corset for her. "Not sure about Scott and Stiles."

"Oh, how cute," Lydia pouts, and Carson chuckles. 

"I'm happy for you yet bitter because Stiles and I never got to coordinate costumes."

"Well, if it makes you feel better, you look extra hot tonight?" Malia grins, and Lydia nods vehemently.

"You know, that actually does. Thanks guys," she hugs them, before turning to the mirror.

She did look great. From the mask to the patent leather body suit to the heels, she was absolutely killing Halloween.

The doorbell rings as Lydia finishes her makeup, prompting her to excitedly walk towards the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2022 ⏰

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