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in which stiles finally asks carson rivera to become carson stilinski
set 10 years after graduation


"Good afternoon, Mr. Stilinski," Carson walks in the LA FBI field office, heels clicking closer and closer to Stiles' desk.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Rivera," he looks away from his stack of files, smiling up at the girl holding two bags of In n Out.

"Chief, I'm going for lunch."

"Just make sure that stack gets done before you go home tonight," he nods his head to Carson, who smiles in response.

"Yes, sir," he leads her out of the office, sitting on a bench outside.

"How's your day going?" she asks, biting into her burger.

"Not bad. Kinda boring though, it's a paperwork day," he shrugs.

"I like your paperwork days, they're safe."

"Yeah, yeah. You get attacked by another teenager?"

"That bitch tried to come back. Like what makes you think that after calling me washed-up and tired grants you access to my services?" she takes a sip of her Dr. Pepper, eyebrows raised in shock.

"You're an adult now, if you kick her ass it's a crime," he jokes.

"Good thing I have an amazing FBI boyfriend to get me out of all my legal problems," she kisses him.

"Oh, that's what I'm here for?"

"Yes, you're my get out of jail free card," she smirks, as he phone beeps, signaling her lunch break was coming to an end. "We're still having dinner tonight, right?"

"Yes, I get off at 6, so we can go at 6:30," he kisses her cheek, throwing away their trash as she gathers her purse and keys.

"Alright, love you, see you then!" she blows a kiss as she quickly walks back to her convertible.

"Every day I ask myself how Stiles Stilinski bagged that," his team member Lenny appears, scaring the brunette.

"Jesus, Lenny, stop spying on me. It's weird."

"I'm an FBI agent. Spying is literally my job."

"I'm not a criminal," Stiles retorts, and Lenny narrows his eyes.

"Or so you claim. You and the missus give a Bonnie and Clyde vibe sometimes."

"What- Lenny, I don't have time for this," he pushes past him, walking back to his desk.

"That's right, finally sealing the deal, aren't you?" he sits on the edge as the rest of the team starts to crowd around him.

"Please tell me she's keeping her last name. At least a hyphen," one of them, Rachel, smiles.

She actually reminded him a bit of Carson, just a lot more pretentious somehow. She once told him she's never worn a clothing item more than once. Including pajamas and shoes. At least Carson repeated her PJs.

"Let's see the ring again," another, Lindsay asks.

"Fine," he pulls the box out, revealing a beautiful diamond.

"Who did you kill to buy this ring?" his final team member, Felix, widens his eyes.

"It's something I've been saving for since I graduated," he shrugs bashfully.


"High school?" he corrects, slight embarrassment in his tone.

"Okay, this is too much love for me. Back to the serial killer who murdered five strippers in Hollywood," Rachel nods, looking back at her files.

I WANNA BE YOURS - TEEN WOLF  (6)Where stories live. Discover now