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in which we recount 4 times stiles' love for carson went unrequited, and 1 time it didn't


"No, Scott. I am not going to help you clean up dog puke," Stiles rolls his eyes, driving up the street.

"Why not? What happened to being my best friend?" Scott whines, looking at the mess the poodle left in the clinic.

"There are boundaries I am not ready to cross. Plus I'm almost at Carson's house, it would take too much to go all the way there."

"Fine. But don't expect me to watch Star Wars next time you ask."

"You're gonna watch it," he laughs, locking the car as he approaches Carson's front door. "I'll see you when you get here."


As he hangs up the phone, he knocks on the door, hearing light footsteps. Shortly after, the door swings open to reveal the brunette in pajamas.

"Stiles! Come in!" she waves him inside, and he pauses, entranced by her smile.

She furrows her eyebrows at his reluctance to move, but maintains her grin. "Uh, Stiles? You gonna come in or are we gonna watch the movie from the doorway?"

"Uh, right, sorry. Got distracted."

"By what? Is it the pimple on my cheek? I swear I've been doing everything to fix it. It's ridiculous."

"No, you can't even notice it."

"Oh. Then what?"

"Just thinking of what we should watch," he shrugs, and she completely forgets about his odd behavior, leading him to the living room.

"You're being weird, but I'll let it slide if we watch Clueless," she holds up the pink DVD, a mischievous grin on her face.

"Fine, whatever," he laughs, knowing he only said yes because of her smile.



"Stiles!" Carson comes around the corner, heels disrupting the fairly quiet hallway.

The boy in question turns around at the sound of his friend's voice, eyes meeting the smiling girl.

She was wearing a pale yellow sundress, flowing and bouncing around with her excited steps, paired with a pink cardigan falling off her shoulder perfectly as if wearing a boyfriend's sweater.

If only it were his sweater she were wearing.

"Hey!" he finally responds, glad she'd been too distracted by fixing her hair to notice.

"I missed you, how was spring break?" she wraps her arms around him, allowing him to revel in the privilege that it was to be so close to her.

The way he could catch the scent of her vanilla perfume, the feel of her waist under his hands, the strawberry shampoo in her hair.

"Boring, my dad had to work so I spent all week here."

"Next year, I'm taking you to Cabo, this isn't fair to you. Scott too," she nods, her slight sunburn turning her cheeks pink.

Only she could make the most unpleasant sensation look good.

"Sounds great," he smiles, growing frustrated with the idea that she was right there, yet she'd never be his.



It was dark in Stiles' room that night. During one of their weekly movie nights, the two (Scott had to work) fell asleep halfway through Jurassic Park.

I WANNA BE YOURS - TEEN WOLF  (6)Where stories live. Discover now