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in which carson's actions prompt stiles to realize exactly how he felt for the brunette

set in seventh grade


"So what's the point of the green guy?" Carson asks, looking at the TV upside down.

"He's like Luke's mentor. And he's not just some green guy, he's a Jedi Master," he responds, offense clear in his tone.

"Sorry for not knowing the plot of Sky Wars," she shrugs.



"Star Wars. It's not "Sky Wars," it's Star Wars."

"Whatever," she shakes her head, pulling out a mini mirror, inspecting her hair. "Can't believe Jackson."

"He really cut your hair?"

"Yes," she rolls her eyes, putting it back into the ponytail it'd been in for the past week.

"It's really not that bad."

"It is, but thanks for trying," she grins, braces on full display. "So who are you taking to the Valentine's Day dance?"

"Uh..." he looks around awkwardly, not sure what to say.

He was not taking anyone to the dance, which seemed to be the funniest thing in the world to his gym class. The reason? Apparently he was too weird. Whatever that meant.

"It's not a trick question. I'm only asking because I know Scott's going with Haley Liu," she turns to him.

"It doesn't matter. I'm probably not even going."


"Cause I don't want to."


"Stop saying why," he narrows his eyes, and she does the same, staring him down before ultimately conceding.

"Fine, Stilinski. Keep your secret. For now," she huffs as the sheriff comes in, holding the house phone.

"Hey Carson, your mom wants you home. Your aunt's back from her trip."

"Yay, bye Stiles. Don't think I'll forget," she narrows her eyes again, a playful smirk on her face as she leaves the room.


"So I was thinking of wearing a pink dress. But I can't decide between white or pink shoes."

"Hm," Carson looks up in thought, as she spots Stiles talking to her teammate Jennifer with a timid look on his face.

Due to their close proximity to her and the strawberry blonde, Carson could hear most of the conversation.

"So would you maybe want to go to the dance?"

"Sorry, no. You're kinda weird, no offense," she walks away and Carson widens her eyes in shock.

"That's really sad," Lydia sees the exchange as well, feeling second-hand embarrassment. "Anyway, pink or white?"

Carson frowns at the boy's dejected stance, preparing to talk to him when Jackson and his group walk over to him first.

"Wow, Stiles. You're so much of a loser you can't even get Jennifer to go with you? You're never gonna get a girl to like you."

"Shut up, Jackson," she places her hands on her hips, as Lydia rolls her eyes at her lack of attention.

"What? It's true. He's the only guy in our grade who's never kissed anyone."

I WANNA BE YOURS - TEEN WOLF  (6)Where stories live. Discover now