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in which stiles finally gets to reveal his totally real girlfriend to his college friends


"I'm telling you guys, she's real. Why would I lie about having a girlfriend?" Stiles sighs, as he walks home with his fellow interns.

Two months at George Washington gave Stiles plenty of time to befriend his roommates and brag about the light of his life, Carson Rivera.

Too bad they were convinced she didn't exist.

"Because you're you?" one of them, Daniel, suggests, snorting halfway through.

"We're not saying you're lying about having a girlfriend, we're saying you're lying about having that girlfriend," his friend Marissa laughs.

"Yeah, there's no way a girl that looks like that is dating your scrawny ass," Daniel explains.

"I swear! I'll even call her," he rolls his eyes, looking for his phone. "Okay, my phone is dead, but I know her number by heart. Give me."

"Here. Call this supermodel you're dating."

Meanwhile, back in Beacon Hills, Carson frowns at the unknown number, but decides to answer anyway.


"Carson, it's me. Stiles."

"Oh, hi Stiles. I can't really talk right now, I have a flight to catch."


"Yeah... I'm on my way to New York. Malia's with me, you want to say hi? Oh nevermind she got distracted by a d-"

"Doll, you say? She was distracted by a doll?" he quickly cuts her off, not sure his friends would take kindly to Mal's werecoyote instincts.

"No, a d-"

"Oh, you're cutting in and out, sorry. Love youuu."

"She sounded like your sister."

"I'm an only child."

"Okay, Stilinski, sure you have this gorgeous girlfriend who's completely out of your league. We totally believe-" Daniel smirks, but it's quickly wiped off of his face once Stiles opens the door to see Carson looking through the fridge.

She looked as beautiful as ever, waves flowing down her back, wearing a lacrosse sweatshirt and a pair of leggings.

"You really need to go food shopping," she mutters, still searching for some juice in the back.

"Oh hi, I'm Carson. Stiles' girlfriend," she looks up, an oblivious smile on her face.

The girl of the trio walks forward, happy to meet her, while Daniel was still trying to figure out how she was real. He simply gasps when she turns around, "Stilinski" written on the back of her hoodie.

"Marissa. So where do you go to school?"

"Columbia, but I don't start till the spring. We haven't seen each other since he moved out here. You're in the internship with him?"

"Yeah, is he always so... hyper?"


"Hey!" he frowns, moving her bags into his room.

Daniel finally breaks out of his trance, smirking at the girl. "So how'd you and Stiles get together?"

"Well, we'd been friends for a few years, and eventually, after some crazy things happened, we just... started dating."

I WANNA BE YOURS - TEEN WOLF  (6)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon