06-Merry Yuletide

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(This will be quite short since I'm trying to make this like a filler chapter)


20 December 1990

It was finally the start of their Yule break with most of the Slytherins going home for these next two weeks. Andy wanted to stay at Hogwarts with her dad, but Tom insisted she go home and spend it with the rest of their family. This was hence the reason why she had done some last minute packing last night with the help of Lara , so that she could join the others at the station today.

Out of the seven of them, only the trio and the twins were going home. The trio were to spend their Yule and New Years at the Malfoy Manor, whilst the twins were spending it at the Dupont Manor with their godfather. They boarded the earliest train , reaching King's Cross station around evening on that same day.

The five friends said their farewells to each other before going their separate ways. The trio walked towards where the Malfoy adults were standing as Lara and Andy were pulled into a hug by Narcissa and Draco just greeted his father.

 "Hey aunt Cissy, Uncle Lucy. How are you guys?" said Andy as she pulled away from the breathless hug Cissa was giving her.

 Lucius gave her a playful scowl at the childhood name she had for him whilst saying they were fine. Once all the reunions were done, the girls held on to Lucius while Drake held on to Cissa as they disapparated back to the manor.

They appeared in the main hall, with Narcissa and Lucius being perfectly fine, and the kids feeling slightly dizzy and nauseous . Once they regained composure, Andy summoned one of the many Malfoy house elves who then took all their trunks and belongings up to their respective rooms.


25 December 1990

It was finally Xmas as Andy was awoken by a black fluffy dog pouncing on her bed. She groggily tried to push the dog away only for it to start licking her face and nudging her sides.

 "Padfoot stop" she whined as the dog pushed her harshly one last time making her fall out of bed. 

Andy actually woke up this time as she rubbed her eyes before glaring at the dog.

"Seriously, do you have to do this every year?" she asked as the dog transformed into a laughing Sirius Black, still in his pajamas. 

"I can't help it pup, you're just so fun to awaken." he replied whilst ruffling her hair from his seated position on the bed.

 "Now fast, get ready, change into the outfit I left out and come downstairs. I'm gonna go wake up your sister in the mean time." he continued as he changed back into his animagi form turning towards Lara's room.

Andy got up from the floor as she picked up the pillows and blanket that fell with her.

 "Hey cub, Merry Xmas" she heard as she saw her other godfather Remus leaning against the door. 

"Hey , Merry Xmas." she replied hugging him.

 "Let me guess, Paddy did his usual wake up call?" he stated rather than asking as she just nodded snuggling further into his chest.

They were suddenly interrupted by a loud scream,


That was then followed by a sorrow looking black dog walking out of the room. Remus and Andy laughed at the sight as they finally stopped the embrace as Remus ruffled her already messy hair before leaving her to get ready.

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