Memory 4 | Malfoy's Demeanour Slips

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Malfoy's Demeanour Slips

Everyone heads to the Great Hall for lunch. I collect some books that I'll be using to study for my exams from the library. All the things I'm planning to study buzz in my mind, and I can not focus on just one.
The memory of last month suddenly flashes into my brain. I stand, horrified, remembering everything, sinking into the past. That's what has happened...

I sat serenely on my bed, sleep deserting me. I got used to my chaotic sleeping schedule that doesn't even happen to exist. I scribbled down words onto a parchment paper, to get them in mind. Recalling that I have an unfinished project due tomorrow has caused sleep to wholly abandon me.

I suddenly heard footsteps that appeared to come from the boys' dorms. It was 2 a.m. Who would be staying up that late other than me? I got up, silently, and followed the footsteps.

A boy's white-blond hair showed between the dark, due to the light that was flickering from the tip of his wand like a torch. I hid behind a column that stood in the midst of the place. I observed him climbing the moving stairs. I continued following him when he seemed to disappear into the upper floor until we reached the seventh one.

He proceeded to the corridor that leads to the Room of Requirement. I recalled the place because we, the DA used to practice there. How did he possibly find it?

I kept hiding until he was gone, then rebegan chasing him. I managed to enter before the ginormous door vanished away, focusing on my destination.

The room looked different from what I expected. It was crowded with objects, and creepy sounds flew in the air, trailing goosebumps down my body.

I carefully moved so I don't bump into something and make any noise. The place is huge, therefore he doesn't notice my presence. The room was surrounded by burning goblets, I was able to see everything. He stood in front of a tall cabinet that was draped in a blanket. He took it off. I could hardly decipher what he was doing.
"Harmonia Nectere Passus," his whispers flew in the air.
Then, he sluggishly opened the cabinet's door. I stared at the look of disbelief he carried on his face.
"Damn it!" he said through gritted teeth.
I later decided to go to the library, and on my way, I seized the image of the cabinet in my mind so it doesn't flee, and constantly uttered the words he was using so they don't slip under my tongue.
Upon my arrival, I observed the categorised shelves of books. A thick book between the others attracted my attention.
The title "Extraordinary Objects" was written in golden letters on the book's spine. Its leather cover made a smooth sound beneath the touch of my hand. I fluttered through the sheets of it, eager to find any clue of what could possibly this cabinet be.
Chapter 23

Vanishing cabinets
(Below the title was the picture of the cabinet)
A pair of Vanishing Cabinets can work as a passage between two places. If an object was placed in one, it'll appear in the other.
Repairing a broken Vanishing Cabinet:
The incantation of a charm is used to fix a broken Vanishing Cabinet:
"Harmonia Nectere Passus."
Repairing a broken vanishing cabinet is difficult, a professional person is required to fix it, while for an unqualified person, it's impossible.

I returned back to the dorms, feeling concerned. I gripped the book from its spine as I rolled up in bed to sleep. I was willing to tell the Golden Trio, and some members of the DA about what I have seen and concluded.

The next day, the book was gone. I looked for it everywhere, and I couldn't find it.
I then told them, no one agreed except Harry Potter. The rest are certain that Draco couldn't be a Death Eater.

I dump the pile of books on the Slytherin table as I sit on my chair. Draco Malfoy sits across from me, his arms crossed, wearing his wafer thin white school shirt. He desperately stares at the food in his plate.

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