Chapter 7 | Crimson Blossoms

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---There it was, in the Great Hall of Malfoy manor. A firm, tall figure stood at the very end of the hall that was dimly lightened with faint sunlight.

"You think you can hurt others while you remain sane. You're wrong," a person spoke sharply.

"Me, hurt someone?" I ask, my voice consisting a tone of innocence.

"You can't keep denying it," the figure approached me within the whispers of the voice. It was Draco Malfoy, carrying a knife in his hand. "You hurt the mudbloods, one of them is Granger. And you'll have to pay for it, for it all."

His accusation frightened me, although I seemed innocent. His eyes carried guilt, opposite to mine.

"What is it with you and Granger?"

"Some things that aren't your concern. Things that you wouldn't like to know."

He pinned me brutally to a wall, wrenching away the hand that covered my breast. There were barely any space left for me to breathe. My heartbeats ran faster that I felt them in all the parts of my body.

"No, for pity's sake, don't," I beg in a faint tone.

He pointed his wand at me and muttered, "Crucio!"

I inertly crashed to the ground as my body writhed in agony.

"Stop, please!" I shout in a screeched voice. My lungs screamed for air and my body was filled with hurt until I couldn't feel it anymore.

"Why should I?" He sneered. "I love seeing you like that. I adore seeing you hurting."I wanted to rise, but I couldn't, like there were transparent ropes strangling me stuck to the ground.

"You deserve it."---

I find myself letting out a scream of frustration, my hands clenching tightly to the cover of my mattress as I return back to reality. When I open my eyes, my vision is blurred. I'm weeping with tears and sobs.

I take deep breaths that shake on their way out. Cold sweat keeps flowing from my neck down my spine.

It was just a nightmare.

If this would happen in real life, my actions would be different. I would turn into the defensive person that hides within my soul and body.

I grab the water cup from my nightstand and drink it. The water touching my lips sends calmness into me.

Today is training day. The Dark Lord has organised this because the army should be strengthened, plus their are newbies.

Under the grey sky overhead, the groups of Death Eaters advance to the hill at the end of the long pathway. We walk the muddy path till we reach a tiny wooden house.

"Come on, Come on!" Bellatrix roars for us to enter the room she's in.

There is a long large table in the middle where various knifes and weapons are deposited. Facing the table vertically are many knife throwing metal board with the height of person.

"Gather around!" She orders us, her big frizzy hair dangling across her face with a few strands. She's exceptionally intimidating, therefore everyone obeys her.

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