Chapter 12 | Revealed

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{TW: Mature content...}


It's the first time I go to a muggle place for a night.

It was the first time I dress in tight clothes: a black V neck crop top, and a mini leather skirt that I found and preferred in the wardrobe.

Feeling paranoid over my looks and staring at my reflection in the mirror, I decide to shrug all the negative thoughts off and wrap a black blazer around me before leaving the room.

I walk down the hallway, an emotion of hesitation rushing into my stomach seeing his eyes lighting up when he sees me with my outfit.
We apperate on a road where vehicles and noise run the city, and aside from us are lined up vitrines of stores and boutiques.

City lights glow the night, and I smile at the wonderfulness of this place, finally something other than the darkness I've been living in.
I want to be out of there forever, and never, ever come back.

"Pretty, right?" he asks delightfully, taking my hand.

"Incredible," I reply with a smile, squeezing his hand as strangers pass by.

On our way, Ethan in counters people I don't know, and he gets engaged in their conversation.

Clueless about what they're talking about, I observe them, and from their appearances, attempt to identify their insides. Ethan exclaims something, land when the three boys and the girl laugh, they sound like loud boozers, and when they talk, they sound extremely unfamiliar.

The one with silver rings hanging on the knuckles of his hands holds a hip flask. The girl lays her elbow on his shoulder, unleashing a cigarette from her pocket and then drubbing the bottom with a lighter, a malicious smile creeping on her face.

"Ethan, who are they?" I whisper in his ear.

"Let's go!" He says to them as they hype him up, taking me by the arm.

"I can see it's your first time," the girl hisses in my ear and I shudder, a troubled expression growing on my face.

I decide to stick to Ethan and grab his arm and watch his face all the way through.

Focusing on just him, I advance, memorizing his features-
His sharp jawline, the dimple that shows each time he smirks, his pierced ears and fluffy brown hair.

"Ethan, where are we going?" I trouble again, clenching onto his gentle grip.

"When are you going to learn how to trust me?" He asks, caressing my cheek.

Friends don't do that.

Anxiety causes my heart to skip a beat, and it seems like magic when we suddenly end up in a closed place where streaks of blue lights slice through the darkness, the boisterous music wildly beating in my ears.

My eyes rove over the place and land on the bar in the center were the clicks of cheers come from, sending the heavy smell of alcohol and smoke in the air.

The bartender waves his hand in a fast motion to serve the ones sitting on the bench it hurts my eyes to look at him.

"What are we even doing in here?" I ask him with a raise of an eyebrow, sweat weighing on my fingertips.

"Just a small night party. Don't tell me it's your first time attending something like that!" Ethan bluffs at me with a smirk, and I feel so small.

I mean, yes, I'm almost 17. Does it make any sense?

"No," I grumble, my eyes locking around my whole body until I'm light-headed.

I suddenly sense someone pushing the tip of a glass bottle on my lips, then feel the liquid in it streaming into my mouth.

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