Chapter 7

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Vi's POV :

After celebrating Emery's birthday yesterday night, I felt bummed. I don't really get why but I felt like I was going to throw up all night. My stomach kept twisting every now and then, and now that I think about it, I think it was every time that girl was literally falling on my muffin.

Today I feel like destroying anything, so I told the guys that we needed to hide because of the enforcers searching for us, good excuse, when I actually just wanted a peaceful place where I could punch something.

We are now dispersed around an old training room, and I kept hitting that machine with every  bit of energy I have. Each time I hit it, I picture her annoying face and her purple hair.
Also who does she think she is, letting Emery drinking at 16 ? I let her drink a bit yesterday night to not ruin her birthday, but I kept checking everything she drank and controlling the amount to make sure she won't feel sick today, and all I get is Emery having a headache and staying in her corner. She hasn't talked to anyone this morning and I don't want to be the one going towards her when she didn't trust me enough to tell me she would drink with other friends that are older than her.

I know they're my age but still, they are associated with the bad kind of people and she can't see why right now but one day when they mess up with the wrong people and they want to make them pay, they won't hurt Iris or Vert, they will hurt the one they love and that's Emery. And I will never let that happen, so that's why I don't want her to hang out with them, but it's her life, her decision...

I see Emery on a stool looking at me, she turns her head quickly making me giggle and hitting that machine harder, because I remember she will go on a date with that-

" Hey you should see that " Powder warns us before getting frightened by a man who flew through the window to the center of the room.

Emery's POV

I see a man going through the window, my head is still pounding, I never had alcohol before.

We all take a few steps back and a few enforcers barge into the room

" check them " the enforcer says

I really don't care, I have nothing on me but when I see Powder's face I understand she has the blue stone she showed me.

I yell for her to activate the black button, she runs and press it, right after everything goes black except the bioluminescence lights.

We run fast and scatter everywhere, but I feel so bad, like I'm going to throw up.

I stop and hold myself on a stool, but I feel someone grab my arm and drag me out of the room, I turn around and one of the enforcers has me.

I try to move but he holds my arms tight so I scream as loud as I can, because everyone is already hidden or running to somewhere safe.

I feel tears going down my face and I scream again.

" VI " I shout, but the enforcers hits me and everything goes blank.

Powder's POV :

I run as fast as I can, my stones hitting each other in my bag.
I search for everyone and find them when we all run to the direction of the ladder that Ekko just threw for us.

But just when we were all on top and Vi was climbing on the ladder, we heard someone scream Vi's name. We all looked at each other and we didn't even had time to react, Vi was already jumping off the ladder and hitting every enforcers on her way to save Emery.

We saw her going out of the room and blood going on the floor, everybody was holding their breath. I pulled back the ladder so no enforcers would climb and after a few minutes Claggor says

" We should go guys, if they're alive they'll find us come on " as he ran to the last drop

" What ? no I am waiting for my sister, I know she is destroying the heck out of the enforcer okay ? So we wait. " I say firmly

Claggor sighs and nods, we wait for a few seconds, all looking at the big wall Vi ran through and finally she comes out, Emery unconscious in her arms.

" Run Vi ! "

" Come on ! "

" Run fast you can do it "

We are all screaming as Vi was running, dodging the enforcers.

I threw the ladder and Vi climbed as fast as she could. She gave Emery to us as she climbed to us, we took her and Ekko grabbed the ladder back. We were finally safe.

Vi took Emery back in her arms and we walked fast to the bar.

" you should get rid of these stones "

Vi tells me while laughing

I tell her yeah and we finally arrive at the last drop.

Emery's POV :

I finally wake up, I sit up and my head is pounding.

" Stay down and leave this here " Claggor tells me as he puts an ice pack on my wound, where the enforcer hit me

" Where are we ? Where's everyone ? " I ask completely panicking

But as soon as I say that, Ekko, Vi, Mylo and Powder comes trough the door.

Vi walk rapidly over me and takes the ice pack off my face which makes me flinch, but I look at her and suddenly the pain goes away.

" Sorry I just want to check if you still have a big bump on your head " She says as she puts the pack on my face again and holds it for me, we keep the eye contact but Mylo had to ask a question.

" So what happened up there ? "

" I was running but I had to stop for a minute because - because I wasn't feeling well and an enforcer caught me and I tried to scream your names but he hit me and it went all black " I say

I don't want to tell them I drank last night, they will freak out and try to make it a full lecture .

" Sure, you screamed "our" names " Ekko says, laughing with everyone else

" Shut up " Vi asks as she rolls her eyes

" Vander's talking with everyone about the enforcers who came " Claggor says

We all walk towards the bar and listen to what they all say...

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