Chapter 4:- Declaration of War

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20th July, 2005

About a week and a half has passed since I got to know Kotegawa.

Nothing out of the ordinary happened in the present at least. Though by each passing day, August 3rd was nearing us.

Takemichi had taken my advice and started practicing time leap on his own. Success was quite limited. But it was a sign that it was indeed possible to time leap without any external help. And once he mastered it, it could prove really beneficial.

He once explained how it feels to time leap. Focusing on your desire and being strongly determined to save the said person helped him.

I, for one could never imagine a scientific explanation for it, and neither did I plan to.

Using Takemichi's powers and Kotegawa's influence, I had managed to earn millions within this short time. Tokyo was a huge city and Kotegawa had his men in several casinos and other private places where he would instruct them to bet. Any and every sport that had a match scheduled during this period was bet upon.

We had agreed to share it 40:60 under the condition that Kotegawa would never mention mine or Takemichi's name. While it may seem unreasonable since the bets were being made by us, no one could deny that to make massive bets, one needed connections. If I were to get a better deal, I would switch under the favourable connections. As long as Kotegawa keeps the end of the deal, all's good. He was also talking about setting up a meeting between me and the kid he mentioned before.

I had gotten a phone for me, as well as Takemichi. Even though Takemichi already has one, he doesn't usually carry it around. A few days ago, he time leaped again, though he hasn't returned till now this time.

While I was surrounded by nothing but darkness, I felt like a couple of days had passed. So I think he should be back soon.

Ring Ring

"Speak of that doesn't fit him."

I answered the call.

"Hey Takemichi."

"Kiyotaka-kun, I have a lot of things to tell you but for now, just come to the Musashi shrine. I have been invited to Toman's meeting."

"It's a bit too sudden isn't it?"

"Yeah I know I know. Just be there soon."

He disconnected the call. It seems today would be my first encounter with Tokyo Manji Gang.

Wasting no time, I dressed up and got onto my bike. Experience matters a lot, and now I had gotten used to driving it. Going at high speeds didn't feel difficult either.

I took out a city map that I had kept in my bag to search for my destination.

"Let's see....musashi shrine uh......." I moved my finger here and there as my eyes tried to pin point the location.

"Oh here it is." About a few kilometres from here, was Musashi shrine. I memorised the location and put the map back into my bag.

I wonder how others would react. Hope I don't get mistaken for a spy.

"Oii?! Are you a spy for moebius? You wanna get killed or somethin'?"

"No, uh I am not. I am Takemichi Hanagaki's friend."

How did it turn out like this?

"What's happening here?"

A boy with grayish silver hair asked the question.

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