Prologue: Death is Overrated

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Heyyyy guys, thanks for clicking this story. So, I used to think Gin was a really creepy dude that couldn't be trusted, then I almost cried when he died... Anyway, that experience told me there were a lot more layers to him than a sadistic guy whose only weakness is his childhood friend. I was kinda upset when they didn't build on his character or past more. Thuuuus I created a story about giving him a new chance and sending him to Fairy Tail. Oh yea, there's gonna be an OC. Cuz there's nothing like an anime fanfic with a SPRINKLE of romance. There wasn't really anyone I could imagine being with Gin, so ya... Anyway, this prologue is about when he dies. Fun, right? Only this part is going to be GinRan. Cuz it's one of my favorite Bleach ships. But, I couldn't drag Rangiku into the Fairy Tail universe too, and after all that happened, I couldn't imagine how they'd interact. Enjoy. Oh, before I forget-

Disclaimer: I dunno if I have to do this or not, but i don't want to be sued. Grimmkitty aka xtremeanimefan does not own this in any way. Except the plot line.

The last few moments came with a deafening sound. Agony he never knew existed or could be felt tore through every fiber of his body. The millisecond seem to stretch on for a eternity. He silently screamed, hoping someone would come and make the suffering stop.

However, he knew that no one could save him now. After all, isn't this what he deserved? He ended up betraying everyone around him, and trusted no one but himself. Sure, he may have played hero in his last few moments, but that didn't excuse the fact that he murdered so many people since he was so young. The one who he had sworn to protect, the one who meant everything to him, the only person in the world who had the slightest inkling to his mind, was the one that ended up getting the most hurt.

Honestly, he never wanted this to happen, never thought it would even come to this. Aizen had committed so many crimes, had become so powerful, that Gin couldn't help but feel a slight trickle of regret and guilt. Wouldn't it have been better to stay with the 13 Court Guards and slowly have overwhelmed Aizen?

But it was too late now, too late to redeem the crimes he had made, too late to take back the decision he made all those years ago. He had sworn to kill Aizen, no matter what it took. No matter how many people he cut down, no matter how many he hurt, he would take is vow to his grave. Unfortunately, that promise has become a reality. He was dying, he knew, slowly bleeding out, his body failing. So much for heroic deaths. He thought it was stupid to wish for something so painful.

Gin couldn't help but wonder what was beyond the Soul Society. When people died, they became regular Souls, Shinigami, or Hollows. But what comes after that? Oblivion? Reincarnation? Eternal bliss? Gin would've snorted if his chest wasn't slowly disintegrating from the inside out. Frankly, none of those options seemed very preferable at the moment.

Oblivion sounded very boring after such an exciting life and death in the middle of war. But at the same time, he wasn't sure if he wanted to live again after all he's experienced. And he believed that he didn't deserve any joy that he didn't earn.

"Gin! Gin, wake up!" He heard a distant voice. His mind was already sinking into the darkness, and it took him a minute to comprehend the words. Why should he wake up? His world was shattered, and he definitely didn't deserve someone worrying about him. What was the point? He would be gone in a few minutes anyways.

"No, Gin! I refuse to let you die on me!" The voice was suddenly louder, more jarring now that he could hear the pure sorrow in her voice. The sound momentarily jerked him from the void. Wait... Why was that voice familiar?

Frantically, his mind was swimming back up. Why wasn't he giving up? Why couldn't he just let go of the world already? He was almost there, teetering precariously on the brink of being lost forever.

"Gin... Why? I thought we were best friends. I thought we were family. Then why... Why do you always leave me behind!?!?" The screaming abruptly turned to sobbing. Rangiku? He was jerked back awake as a flow of memories suddenly assaulted him. That's right... He promised, didn't he? He said he would always be there for her, always value her before anyone else.

But now... It was too late. He barely managed to crack his piercing violet eyes open. His vision was blurred, but he caught a glimpse of orange hair and blue eyes. Tears hit his face and he longed to reach up to her, if only for a second. Just to wipe away those heartbreaking tears that shouldn't be worth shedding for him.

Gin looked behind her, suddenly aware of the ongoing sounds of a battle. He couldn't stop the smile from spreading across his face when he spotted a familiar orange-haired man. But now, he was different. This was the Ichigo he met who went charging up to him in order to save Rukia Kuchiki. This was the man who was determined to stop Aizen almost as much as himself. The fire in his eyes have finally rekindled.

When the Substitute Soul Reaper zoomed by, he didn't even spare a glance at the two figures. In a way, Gin was grateful. He didn't want anyone to intrude on their moment, trusted the teenager to finish what he started. Within a few seconds, Gin's focus was back on his childhood friend.

"Ran...giku..." He panted out, voice hoarse from the internal bleeding in his lungs. The lieutenant snapped to attention, desperately trying to stop the blood flow.

"Shh! Save your strength Gin! Everything will be fine; I'll patch you up, and-" the man quickly cut her off.

"And what?" He coughed out, "Be executed for being a traitor?"

His best friend couldn't answer, so he forced a grim chuckle, followed up by choking up blood. "Rangiku... I just wanted to say... I'm sorry... And thank you..." She instantly started freaking out again.

"Don't say that like your going to leave! And even if you did, I'll just follow you again. You don't want me to kill myself, right? Well, then don't die!" She protested. He snickered again involuntarily. Just being with this woman made him happy.

"Ain't look like I have a choice now. Besides, if you did kill yourself, everyone else would be hurt. Don't do that to them. Get stronger. Train. Then, we'll meet again someday. Maybe have a practice match, eh?" He joked in spite of his situation. Rangiku sobbed, gently clutching him. He let her. After all, it didn't particularly bother him, and he was already in enough pain. To stand a little more after all he owed her wasn't much.

"Also, before I leave, Rangiku, I lo-" he stopped between his wheezes. There was no use in telling her now. It'll just make her hang on to him even longer. The last thing he wished was for the peppy girl to be depressed, forever waiting and trying to kill herself. But what else was there to say? There was still so much he wanted to get out, but his time was near. Gin was already stalling for a long time.

"Just... Don't forget me, ne? Try to move on... But don't let go completely. I don't think I'll be able to find you again if you did," he made a final request.

Rangiku nodded tearfully, accepting his fate. However, that didn't mean she let go of him just yet. 'If Lil' Shiro doesn't take care of you, I'll be back to kick some butt,' he silently added. But he knew the Soul Reapers of the 13 Court Guard Squads would take care of her. They'd replace her family when he couldn't.


At long last, he finally drifted away. 'I wasn't just afraid she'll hang on. No... I was much more terrified of her answer. If, tomorrow, you became a snake, and began to devour people... Then with that same mouth, you cried out to me that you loved me, would I still be able to tell you "I love you" the way that I can today?'

YAAAAY AND I'M DONE. This thing took FOREVER. Anyway, I added some angst there. Just because. I always found angst to be a good way to express characters, but I become a little sick if the whole story is just angst and getting over it. Anyways, there's that famous quote that's on the cover. I loved it so much. I practically watched that scene a dozen times and memorized it.

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