Chapter 6: Magic is Overrated

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A FEW YEARS LATER: (A/N: Because the author is lazy and I wanted to get to the part where Fairy Tail shows up :))

Gin was facing one of the worst natural disasters of the world: boredom.

He wandered his inside world, but it simply just seemed to continue forever. His patience was rapidly decreasing.

"Shinso!" he called out to the silence. 

Nothing replied. Not that Gin was expecting anything.

Each night, for 5 years, this was all he did. Where was his Zanpakuto spirit? There was no way even Shinso could ignore someone for that long.

Gin wasn't sure if he was supposed to be worried. His connection with Shinso was still there, but it was... muted for a lack of a better term. Gin was pretty sure a Zanpakuto couldn't escape their Shinigami's soul, but that was what it looked like.

Gin groaned and turned around.

Only to almost run smack into a figure.

"Hey!" Esprit huffed.

Gin didn't recognize her for a moment. He blinked slowly.

"Kuchiki Rukia?"

"It's me, idiot!" Esprit shouted.

"Oh," Gin sighed. "What do ya want?"

"That's how you want to talk to me?" Esprit huffed and spun around with a flourish. 

Gin scratched his head. "If I didn't know any better, I would've thought you really were Kuchiki. On the other hand, the poor girl always seemed terrified of me."

Although he couldn't see her expression, Gin could practically hear the eye roll in her voice. "I'm not surprised. You're insufferable."

Gin waved a hand dismissively. "So? What do ya want? I thought ya couldn't speak to me unless I did something wrong?" He seemed to rethink this. "Did I do something wrong? As far as I remember, none of the pranks I pulled on Raina were thaaaat serious..."

Esprit snarled, "Can you not keep your mouth shut for one second? This is important."

Gin sighed. "Might as well since I technically have no option or say in this."

"Glad to see you finally understand your place, peasant."

Gin made a face. "Are you gonna tell me or stand here and call me names? Your attitude is matching your appearance and it's creeping me out..."

Esprit finally stopped sulking and faced him properly. "Fine. I have a message."

Gin gestured for her to continue.

"My boss-"

"Boss? Who would willingly choose to employ you?"

"Shut up. Anyways, he says that in the future, a certain organization will... Be tested by fate."

"... Wow. Dramatic. Care to share what that means?"

Esprit looked aggravated. "I'll dumb things down for you. A series of interesting events will cause a chain reaction, leaving the same people to face many challenges. Destiny is pretty much making them the protagonists in a drama."

Gin was dreading the feeling in his gut. "There is no way-"

"Since you're so almighty and powerful," Esprit suddenly looked all too cheerful. "Go help them out."

"No way in hell-"

"Hell's not gonna help you now!" Esprit cackled in glee.

"Why should I-"

"You're supposed to be repenting," the spirit reminded.

"But Raina-"

"Can help you."

"She's not trained enough-"

"You've had years. 5 to be exact. You were twelve when you got here; now you're seventeen. Coincidentally, that's how old one of your future comrades are."

"Normally Shinigami have decades," Gin pointed out, finally managing to finish one of his sentences. "And she doesn't have the advantage of increased stamina."

"Well, are you back up to speed?"

Gin hesitated. "Mostly... yes. I've been looking for Shinso to start the next phase of my training."

Esprit raised a brow. "You still can't find him? What kind of Shinigami are you?"

She swore Gin pouted at her at this statement.

"It's not my fault!" Gin protested. "I... don't think he's here."

Even Esprit seemed a bit puzzled by that. "That's impossible."

Gin shrugged helplessly.

She cleared her throat. "I mean, that's none of my concern. What do you know about guilds?"

Gin's forehead furrowed. "Guilds? Do you mean those places where wizards gather to hone their skills and take jobs?"

Esprit nodded, pleased. "So you do have a brain after all. You'll have to seek out the strongest wizard guild in Fiore. The one founded by Mavis Vermillion, once know as the Fairy Tactician. The one who claims Tenrou Island as their holy ground. The start of great heroes and villians alike."

"What is this, a trivia? I don't know any of the guilds since we hardly leave this forest."

Esprit gave a feral grin. "Why, I'm talking about Fairy Tail of course."


Eh hehe. Oops. Please don't hate me guys, especially when you waited so patiently and asked for updates. I've just been busy, studying to get into this school. Let's just say it's hell. Oh, also.


Like, I can't even say this enough. That anime is amazing. Best sports anime ever created. (Yes, it even beats Free and Kuroko no Basket in my opinion.) Even if you don't like volleyball, you'll love it. My friends and I all disliked volleyball, but we fell in love with the first episode. Just give it a chance. It's so action-packed, and there's good character development, and it's so realistic... Oh, god, I'm so proud of my babies. Especially Noya and Kuroo.

Cough, cough. ANYWAY, enough of that. I'll update soon. Maybe.

Maybe I should just threaten to never update unless someone tells me they watched Haikyuu... That's really tempting... >:)

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