Chapter 4: Look-Alikes are Overrated

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Oh, Gin. If he thinks look-alikes are confusing now, wait until the Edolas Arc. >:)

Gin was confused. Lost. Puzzled. Bewildered. Disorientated. Perplexed. Bemused. Baffled. Dumbfounded - okay, you get the point. Basically, any adjective that you usually wouldn't use to describe the former 3rd Division Captain with.

At least he had an excuse. And that happened to be the slumbering girl in front of him. She just looked too much like Rangiku. But it couldn't be her... Right? From what he picked up from Esprit, she already lived in this dimension and was just lured here. Well, assuming this was who she was talking about.

If they actually had the nerve to be the reason she was beat up, Gin vowed to zap back and find a way to rip their throats out. Or tear apart their hearts. Or gut them of their intestines. Or skin them alive. Assuming they were alive and could be killed of course.

Banishing the violent death threats from his head, Gin noticed the girl stirring. As he waited, he tossed another piece of wood in the campfire beside them. What? It wasn't as if he were stupid enough not to build a temporary camp as he trained.

As the girl cracked open her eyes and stared at him, Gin involuntarily sucked in a breath. Her eyes were a magnificent pale blue.

To their credit, neither of them flinched. The girl seemed rather take aback by his strange features, but recovered instantly. Gin, on the other hand, had years of practice hiding his emotions and kept his default face on. They looked away in unison.

"So... Who are you?" They asked at the same time when both couldn't stand the confusion and silence anymore.

Of course, this would cause some issues.

"Um... Well let's see here. I'm Gin Ichimaru. I'm so old that I don't remember my exact age, although I look 12 years old. I'm a sword master but super weak at the moment. And I'm a Shini-" Gin cut himself off. No need to drag the girl into his backstory.

Naturally, what he said inspired raised eyebrows. Gin couldn't blame the girl for looking skeptical. But to his surprise, she didn't ask.

"Are you the one who saved me?" She changed the subject, a guarded look in her eyes.

Gin scratched his head. "Er... Sure. It's more like I found ya passed out. What happened, anyways?"

"Bandits," was the simple reply.

"Bandits?" Gin muttered to himself. "What is this, the feudal era?"

"Actually, it's the 21st century," she replied just as sarcastically.

Gin grinned at her. "So, ya haven't answered my question. Who are ya?"

A shrug. "Dunno."

Blanch. "How can ya not know? I know, I know, stranger danger and all, but I already told ya about myself!"

"Seriously, I have no idea. I can't remember anything beyond what I happened yesterday."

Gin hummed. "Well, I can't go 'round callin' you 'girl' or 'hey you.' Mind if I give ya a name?"

"Be my guest. Do whatever you want."

"You're rather cold."

"Deal with it."

"I could kick you out and leave you to wander around until a bear eats you."

She paused, and reluctantly apologized. "Fine. I'm sorry. Happy?"

"Nope. You can trust me ya know?"

"Absolutely not. You even look weird."

"Mou, you're mean." Gin frowned. At least that was one difference between her and Rangiku. "Raina. Raina Mitsu."

"Excuse me?"

"You're new name. I'll call you Ran for short."

"Wow. Such a change."

"Stop that! Apologize young lady!"

"You're not the boss of me!"

As they bickered back and forth through the night, neither noticed a flicker of a smile - a real smile - on each of their faces.

Phew. Now, this definitely makes up for it. An update in a couple of days. Because I have off, I'm thinking of updating tomorrow too.

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