Chapter 2: Higher Entities are Overrated

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Why the title? Cuz I'm an atheist and damn proud of it!

The entity, or who Gin came to know as Esprit, huffed in satisfaction. "And, that's what we need you to do."

"So," Gin mentioned slowly and unsurely, "You're not gonna send me to hell?"

Esprit's smile turned malicious. "Oh, we're not exactly sure. Why, do you WANT to go?" Gin flinched and rapidly shook his head. Esprit nodded. "That's what I thought. Now, repeat what I've told you. We can't have you forgetting, or else we won't be able to contact you unless you die again."

Gin sighed, but dutifully obeyed. "I'm supposed to go to this whole new world, where they have MAGIC of all things, and... Help out," he parroted flippantly. Esprit shook her head at his lame attempt to be cool.

"And remind me WHY we are being so generous and awesome again?" She prodded.

"Because I was born with a good heart, but made poor decisions. With my previous memories intact, my reincarnation will make fewer mistakes. And I'm powerful enough to kick butt and help ya guys with other dimensions cuz ya'll are lazy asses," he drawled.

Esprit snarled, "Just be grateful."

Unseen to her, he rolled his eyes. "I'm assuming Shinso will be with me, right?"

She confirmed reluctantly, "Yeah, that's correct. I'll also send someone from that side to accompany you, since you can't act grown up for once and stop complaining about being alone. Not that she'll know or anything, because I'll just be influencing her to..."

Gin scowled, "Isn't that unfair for her?"

Esprit snapped, "Well, it was you who wanted it. Besides..." She abruptly chuckled, "I think you'll like my choice."

Gin watched her warily. "That doesn't sound good."

"Oh, hush you," she growled before continuing, "Anyways, nothing comes without a price. We can transfer your mind and soul... But not your body. Most likely, you'll de-age a few years, and you might have to train to get yourself back to full strength. Since the process is still reincarnation, you'll be alive in the new world. So, don't do crazy things like throw yourself into a blade, 'cuz you won't survive. We'll be watching and if you die or break of our rules, you'll be transported back here. Also, there's no such thing as Shinigami in that universe. It would probably best if you learned their way to fight with magic."

Gin complained, but grumbled consent as Esprit bombarded him with silly restrictions such as "no killing anyone unless it's absolutely necessary."

He cut her off when sensing she was about to start another long rant. "Where's Shinso anyway?"

She gave him a scathing look. "How am I supposed to know? Isn't he your Zanpakuto?"

Gin shrugged nonchalantly. "We really weren't all that close. Besides, I thought ya did something ta him. Haven't you done this with other Shinigami before?"

Esprit made a vaguely confused gesture. "Dunno, Zanpakutos  usually listen in. But don't worry." She smirked mischievously, "I'm sure you'll get to reintroduce yourselves once you retrain your Bankai."

Gin groaned. "Okay, anything else ya leaving out? 'Cuz I really don't want any unexpected surprises. Actually, I kinda wanna get out of here so I don't  hear the bad news."

Esprit leaned to one side and cocked a hip out. "Fine, if that's what you want."

Gin jolted away in surprise as his surroundings started lighting up. "Wait, stop! I was kiddin'! It was a joke! I'm not ready yet!"

"Too late," Esprit sung cheerfully, probably because she was finally getting rid of him. "Besides, you had to start at some point!"

"But... But I have more questions! Get back here!" He demanded.

"Don't forget, we'll be watching!" She chirped.

"Well, that doesn't sound stalkerish at all!" Was his sarcastic farewell as he zipped through dimensions.

Ehehehehe. Sorry that this is a little short. Look on the bright side: at least I updated at all. It's cuz i had a little writer's block on this and I was really pumped about the next part, so I didn't focus all that well. Most of it was made off the top of my head, especially the ending. It was a weird whim.

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