Chapter 7: Cons Are Overrated

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... Yeah I've got nothing. Vacation, school, blah blah blah. 

Gin was looking disgruntled.

"You alright?" Raina questioned, concerned.

"Hm?" her friend hummed in response. "'M fine, thanks. Just thinkin'."

"Did you find Shinso?" she offered, absently trailing her fingers down her own Zanpakuto.

"Naw," he shot down. "Ya remember tha' spirit I told ya 'bout? I saw her in my inner world. Says I have to go ta this guild named Fairy Tail and help out. They're gonna be caught up in some dramatic shit soon."

She stood from her place on the ground. "Let's go, then." Raina prompted simply.

Gin raised an eyebrow up at her. "That it? No questions or complaints or protests?"

"We can't hide in this forest forever," she pointed out mildly. "It's insanity to think we can. We have powers. Might as well do something with them."

"How's your Bankai comin' along?" Gin snickered, mood recovering.

She bristled at his mirth. "Like you can do any better!"

"Aah," he relented, smirking devilishly. "But I've got magic."

"I do too!" she huffed. "Just because mine isn't as flashy as your's doesn't mean it doesn't count as magic."

"But I created mine," he felt the need to point out. "Ya learned your's from a book."

"And I improved it!" she protested.

"Hai, hai," Gin dismissed, waving a hand back and forth as he strolled past her. "Let's get going, or we'll be late to the party."


Lucy felt tears build up behind her eyes as she was thrown to the ground. The motion made her feel nauseous, activating her gag reflex. The sight of the man's sick smile and the cries of other women weren't making things much better.

But even while having her limbs tied, she struggled to sit up. To think that this all started when she wanted to join Fairy Tail. Despite their destructive reputation, she had genuinely believed they were good people. If this scumbag represented the rest of them, she no longer wanted to do anything with the guild.

Even if she was pretty and dressed up, it didn't mean she wasn't prepared. She was going to beat the crap out of that man. She was going to survive and take those girls with her. Once Lucy Heartfilia had her mind set on something, it wasn't changed easily.

Her hopes were tossed out and dismissed as her Gate Keys were.

"Disgusting," she ground out. "Abusing magic and people... You're the worst mage ever. No, not even."

And, for the first of many times, Natsu burst in the save her. And promptly fell seasick.

"Hoh?" an unfamiliar voice rang through the chaos. "Now, is that any way to treat a woman?"


Somewhere on the other side of the universe, Esprit smiled. It was not a pleasant one; full of smug satisfaction and victory and part malicious intent.

"Are you ready world?" she whispered. "Because if you aren't, you'll be destroyed. Welcome to the divergence of canon."


(And I was gonna end this here buuuuuuut-)

Through the crowd of thugs and barbarians, Lucy saw a man.

A chill ran up her spine at the mere sight of him. Snake-like and dangerous, layers of cloaks and cloth doing nothing to hide the strength emitting from his aura. He was casually perched on a chair, one hand spinning a wicked wakizashi and the other swirling the red wine in a glass.

The most terrifying thing, perhaps, was that Lucy couldn't sense his magical power. His presence was inexorable, yet it was a completely different source of energy.

And it was enormous.

It wasn't aimed toward her, but she was already sweating bullets, eyes dilated, and breaths coming out in harsh pants.

"It's a good thing I did some research beforehand," his smile somehow widening. "Because if I didn' know that ya were a fake, I would've wiped out Fairy Tail myself."

"Like hell you will!" Natsu shouted, words muffled in the floor.

Lucy silently willed him to shut up, because this wasn't someone you could fool around with.

"Your reputation precedes you," a girl spoke up, silently phasing into sight like a ghost. Her eyes were as cold as chips of ice, gray as steel. "You really are stupid. Salamander."

The blond finally worked up the courage to turn her head. All around, men who had previously been standing a few seconds ago were all sprawled across the floor, accompanied by the occasional splatter of blood. The oranged-haired female glided over to her companion without a sound, accepting a second glass of wine.

"Pl-please spare me!" the fake, the mock-Salamander begged, collapsing on his knees. "I-I'll do anything! I've got plenty of money! A-and slaves! I'll give you as many as you want!"

"Wrong answer," the girl murmured, voice as quiet as the breeze, but still sharp and resonating in the air.

"Shinso." The man pointed his blade at him.

Lucy didn't see either of them move. But before she knew it, the slave trader was gone. In his place was an imprint of his body.

"So the captain sinks with his ship, huh?" he mused, entertained.

The blond sat, frozen, as he began to turn toward her. Just then, Lucy felt a tug on her dress, and she was airborne in moments. She glanced up, alarmed.

"Happy!" His previously healthy, blue-furred face was pale. "W-what about Natsu?"

"Don't worry," the cat replied. "He may not look like it, but he's a really strong mage too. He's the real Salamander from Fairy Tail."

Neither of them looked very reassured.


"How 'bout a toast ta our victory?" Gin offered, holding his glass near her's.

Raina rolled her eyes. "Not much of a victory. I don't know why you were so worried." But she complied, gently tapping the cups together.

He took a swig and made a face. "Nasty stuff. Times like these make me miss sake."

The ring hung ominously in the ravaged, water-filled ship.

Annnnd cut. This actually is not what I intended to write, but it came out pretty nice. Yay, actual plot development :D

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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