Chapter 5: The Truth is Overrated

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Sorry, I lied about the update last time. Procrasination. You know how it is. Anyway, I admit I was lazy. So, I skipped the actual talking to the part with Raina's reaction to his story.

"No way. I don't believe you."

"Eh, I was kinda expectin' that reaction."

"It's just... Unbelievable."

"Ya'll have magic, and you're tellin' me what I'm sayin' is fake?"

"Magic is normal."

"For you guys, yeah it is. Why can ya remember magic, anyways? Don't ya have amnesia?"

"Psh. I can still recall the basic workings of the world."

"Yeah, okay. Basic. Normal. Sure."

Raina and Gin were arguing... again. They pretty much always seemed to be debating, but there was this permanent cloud of fond exasperation around them that suggested they never really meant any snide insults passed.

"If ya don't believe me," Gin suggested, "Just watch."

Gin released the Shikai of his Zanpakuto, slightly staggering from the recoil as he swung the sword around. Raina, by instinct, ducked, and every tree in the nearby clearing was neatly sliced down. She stared in disbelief as the thundering, deafening noise soon ceased a few seconds later. Eyes shining with slight excitement, she spun back around to face her companion.

"Okay, you have to teach me how to do that," she demanded eagerly.

Gin hummed. "It ain't that easy, ya know. The only reason why I can do that is because that's Shinso's special ability."

"Then, I'll be a Shinigami and get an even cooler power."

To her surprise, Gin frowned at her. "It aint't exactly a walk in the park. You can't become strong with a snap of a finger. Besides, I haven't reviewed the basics for at least a century. I don't really think I'm qualified ta teach ya."

Raina wrinkled her nose. "Right. I keep forgetting how old you are."

Gin looked offended. "From where I came from, I wasn't that old. In fact, when I died, I was considered pretty young or middle-aged."

Raina ignored this. "Well, you age normally now though, right? And you're not dead anymore. So, explain to me how you can do stuff only spiritual beings should be able to?"

Gin paused. That was actually a good question to ponder upon. "No idea. Esprit and her friends probably did something to me. Even that Substitute Shinigami kid had to leave his body, now that I think 'bout it. Then again, the Quincy and Fullbringers could mold reishi, and they were still alive..."

"I'm even afraid to ask," Raina commented blandly. "Cuz, I feel like this will be a looong explanation. But, nevertheless, carry on."


Raina's head was spinning by the time he stopped. "I don't know how you can remember all of this," she muttered.

"Ya live with it as part as your life, and you get used to it," Gin dismissed.

"Well, your life in uncommon and crazy."

"Actually, we may have thousands of Shinigami recruits. It ain't that uncommon."

Raina changed the subject. "Anyways, don't you have some teaching and training to do?"

"Oh yeah." Somehow pulling an extra sword from his pack of necessities Esprit was kind enough to supply him with, Gin tossed it to Raina.

She almost stumbled under the weight. "Woah, this is a lot heavier than it looks. How do you people wave it around all the time?"

"Practice and arm muscle," Gin simply pointed out.

"And how long does that take again?"

"Oh... At least a few years."

"Ugh. How did you even fit this thing in your backpack anyways?"

"Dunno, Esprit probably enchanted it. It seems to enlarge when I put things in it, although it looks the same on the outside. And, anything that was originally inside magically replaces itself if I take it out."

"Why'd she put an extra sword in?"

"It's actually an Asauchi," Gin corrected. "But, it almost seems as if she wanted me ta teach ya. Can't really fathom why though, since there apparently ain't any Soul Reapers or Hollows around."

Raina smirked. "Maybe I'm just special."

Gin sounded skeptical as he answered, "Maybe."

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