Alternate Ending: Reincarnation is Overrated

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Hi again. Wow, 2 updates in one day. I'm impressed with myself. Anyways, this is just a little idea I had stuck in my head. And I didn't want to start a whole new story for it. Unless, of course, you readers want me too. *wink wink* So, THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ORIGINAL PLOT LINE. I just thought reincarnation was interesting. Doesn't that mean that Shinigami, like say Hisana Kuchiki should have been found already?

10 Years Later:

Rangiku wearily stepped out of the Sekaimon, finally letting barriers drop. Acting the way she used to act, with overflowing enthusiasm and optimism was difficult. No one knew the lengths of how much Gin's death scarred her. It was better this way; for her, her captain, and her squad.

Besides, it was also Gin's last wish. Even if it were to push someone off a bridge, she'd probably would have done it. To be completely honest, she wasn't over it yet. Whenever she was alone, she shed tears that could be afforded. Whenever on a solo missing, she always turned around, half-expecting him to pop up out of nowhere. It was virtually impossible, but she was still searching.

After so many years, she was finally determined to move on. Mind you, not to forget, but to go around flirting and drinking like she used to. Of course, right when she made her resolve, it had to bite her on the butt.

Fate was strange and cruel that way.

She was doing her weekly shift at Karakura Town, jumping from building to building, keeping alert to any signs of Hollows. However, due to Ichigo regaining his powers, she didn't really see why she needed to continue. Why Head Captain kept assigning her here was beyond her.

But then, she caught a familiar sight. Almost immediately, her eyes widened in recognition and tripped over her own feet, sending her flying. Her shock prevented her from thinking properly when she was flung through the air. Rangiku crashed into the ground but stayed there, wondering if she was hallucinating. But her theory was soon disproved when a face popped into her view of the sky.

"Yo," a boy with silver hair, narrowed eyes, and lithe features greeted her casually. She was in Shinigami form, yet he seemed to see her just fine, even with his closed eyes.

When she didn't reply, the boy tilted his head to one side and advised sarcastically, "Ya know, it ain't exactly normal to throw yourself off five stories after jumping across rooftops. Are you insane or something? Did you hit your head once before?" Oh GODS. He talked acted, and looked exactly like Gin. Rangiku's throat constricted.

For a moment, the boy actually looked concerned, as if just realizing she could have been hurt if she were normal. He opened his mouth again, but the orange-haired woman couldn't take it anymore. She stumbled to her feet and frantically shot off with Shunpo.

Before she took off though, the boy seemed to instantly understand what she was doing. "Come visit some time!" He shouted after her, eyes cracked open as he effortlessly tracked her movement. The boy ignored all the strange looks he was receiving from passers, for a long time gazing in the direction she sped toward. After a few minutes later, he finally turned away and walked home.

"I'm back!" He alerted his parents.

His foster mother smiled warmly at him and replied, "Welcome back Gin!" Being an adopted orphan wasn't so bad, Gin mused, if it meant he could choose his own name and look however he wanted without serious judgment.

He bounced up to his room after being reminded dinner would be ready any second now, and swung into his closet. He dug into the back, tossing anything that got into his way. On the back wall was a barely noticeable groove, but Gin easily knew how to pull it open. Inside was a small safe box with a couple of locks.

He punched in the codes and clicked them open, reaching into it and grasping whatever was inside. He pulled out a white hakama and a wakizashi. Gin threw it on with practiced ease, slipping Shinso in with it.

Laying a hand gently on its hilt, Gin asked it, "Well, what do you think? Is it enough time to make a reappearance? I don't think I could stay away if I wanted after seeing Ran-chan." He cocked his head as if listening to an answer and nodded in satisfaction. He drew the robe around him tighter, and opened the window.

Gin needed to be careful, knowing his mother would freak out and ground him for life if she knew what he was doing. He ducked under the glass, shooting off onto the next building. He kept moving to make sure he was an unnoticeable blur in case someone happened to look, but soon had to stop, panting for breath while leaning on a tree in a local park.

"Yare, yare... Looks like I'm still not in shape," he complained quietly. Peering around, he cautiously exited his hidden spot. Seeing that nobody was around, Gin continued following Rangiku's spiritual pressure.

"Hmmm..." Gin wondered aloud, "I wonder how they will react after seeing me again? Try to kill me? Hopefully not. Heck, they can't even turn me into a Substitute Soul Reaper cause I'm so accustomed to fighting in my human form."

A silent voice apparently answered him. "Yeah, your probably right. I should show myself to a few people at a time I might be able to trust," Gin chuckled, "Although, I dunno how long it'll take until Shiro-chan will accept me after attempting to kill his dear sister." He slid into a stop in front of a bewildered woman.

"Yo. Again. It ain't nice to run when you're having a chat," Gin chided Rangiku. Then, his face softened and his eyes opened completely for the first time in years. "It's been a while. What have you and the 13 Court Guard Squads been up to?"

Yay, done. Again, I PROBABLY won't expand on this story cuz I have no more inspiration for it. With no basis from canon, I dunno how the Soul Society reacts to reincarnated Shinigami. Especially if they still retain their memory. If anyone wants me to continue, give me some advice or a basic plot line and I MIGHT continue. Whatever, now moving back to the main plot...

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