chapter 13

568 14 12

A/N: hello luv's happy new year i hope you enjoy the chapter:)

You both walked to class and when you were right outside the doorway to the locker rooms you parted ways and then un-paused time everyone was shocked as to how you got there in record time.

All of the girls were complementing everyone else and how they looked in the hero costume.

"OMG! Girl you look so good Momo how do you do it? Mina screeched.

"A-Ah don't say that you look beautiful too!"

jiro was changing in the corner.

and you were changing in a shower stall.

"Come on Y/N show us your costume!"

"Mina Ok I just had to make a few adjustments here"

"Oh very pretty fits your body type well."

You were in a plain white dress that hit knee length with a few small ruffles.

"Aww thank you Mina"

Girl it is no problem you are so pretty"

"you are too"

"Hey guys we should probity head out people are starting to walk out now*kero*

"Thanks for the notification Tsu!" You were very exited to see what you all would be doing and your cheery-ness was contagious.

walking out you were able to see everyone's costumes they all looked really planed and thought through.

"NOW YOU ALL LOOK LIKE A BUNCH OF HERO'S!!!" Exclaimed a very loud All might.

You not enjoying the loud noise cringed slightly at the sudden burst from your teacher.

All might explaining because we all know how that go's.

He explained that since there was a odd number of students you would be able to fight the two people who were the most uninjured and had enough stamina. Of course after everyone finishes theirs.

Bakugo V.S. Midoriya

Todoroki vs Ojiro

Idk just thought of the first few ( pretty sure okiro did not fight todo but go with it plz)

All of the other matches had already happened witch made you slightly nervous because midoriya was K.O.ed and todoroki beat everyone first 2 minutes....

" Alright now after talking with myself I have decided to ask if Y/n would like to fight one or two people.""

"Two people please."

"Alright, Todoroki and bakugou you are in the best shape why don't you both try and defeat her"?

" sure it's not like this weakling can do anything."

"What is your answer young todoroki?"

'Might as well."

"Then it is settled you will both be on the hero team because you were on the villain team before."

"By now I'm almost !00% confident that you already know the instructions!"

You ran as fast as you could manage after you got in the building and teleported yourself and the bomb to the roof after you made haste.You put yourself to work sitting down on the roof you meditated and sucked the water out of the air around you and tied some illusion magic into it.

heavens goddess[really OP!reader] DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now