Part one

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    The deep forest surrounds you, the midnight air hot and humid. Your clothes stick to your back as sweat drips at the corners or your mouth. It would have been such a lovely night if you weren't running for your life. The heavy thuds of people on horse back spur you further. There is not turning back and nothing but sheer panic throwing over roots and pitfalls.
    "Y/N, we know you're here!" Your neighbor shouts, their voice trying to convey some semblance of comfort. "Your parents are worried for you!" You back further into the darkness, you know it's a lie. These people murdered your parents and you don't want to find out what might happen to you if you're caught. You keep running until you reach a river. The other bank is exposed too exposed so you walk along the edge of it until you find a place crowded with trees. The river runs quick, stealing any warmth you might have had, but the sound of the folks from the village force your hand. You slip into the river, it nearly knocking you over, even in knee high water. You force your legs through the racing current swirling like hands crashing against your legs. You reach the other side just in time, watching your pursuers pause at the river. They mutter among themselves, their voices only partially drowned out by the water.
    "Where did they go?"
    "Damn it, we lost them."
    "Did they cross the river?"
    "Maybe, but I doubt they would have the gal for that."
    "Still, let's check the other bank just in case."
    "You three do that, I'll go scout ahead."

    You try to keep moving but your legs give out. You've been running since the sun went down and now your body refuses to budge. You send a whispered prayer to anyone willing to listen.
"Please, protect me." You curl up, knees digging into your chest, as far into the shadows as possible, "don't let them find me. Just leave me alone."
From deep within the jungle, you hear a twig crack and you squeeze your eyes tighter, waiting for the harsh hand to come and drag you away, heels digging into the earth. You picture it so vividly, the neighbors grinning and dragging you back to a village draped in darkness, but something calls your attention. You feel hot breath chuffing in your face. You crack an eye open and nearly scream. I front of you is a Jaguar and on it sits a child, no older than seven. It chuffs, a deep growl coming from its throat. Despite the child reassuring you, you aren't sure you want to trust the fangs currently hanging in your face.
    "Come on! It's ok, he won't hurt you" the child grabs your hand and tries pulling you on to the jaguar's back. You glance towards the river where the horses are slowly making their way over and back to the boy on the jaguar. Jaguar seemed better than getting dragged back so you leap on the big cat's back. It instantly leaps off as if you weighed nothing and you close your eyes tight as branches and twigs snag at your clothes. The lean muscles of the jaguar propel you further into the jungle until the air clears out. You open your eyes to a town hidden inside the mountains. Even at night, you can tell it is beautiful with bright colors splashed across every wall. The child leads you into a giant house where the door swings open on its own. To your shock you find the front space is crowded with many curious faces.
    "Antonio! Are you ok?!"
    "Oh, you found her! I thought I heard someone asking for help!"
    "Excuse me, where are you from?"
    "Here eat this," you felt food touch your mouth and chewed hesitantly. In seconds you felt revived and your energy restored. Opening your eyes fully, you take in your surroundings. A large group of people, a family you thought given how they bickered back and fourth, bustle around you making provisions. One lady lifts a couch above her head another brings you a platter of food. You marvel at all of them, unable to stop gawking.
    "who...Wait, where did you take me?" You turn towards the boy on the jaguar.
    "My name is Antonio! What's yours?"
    "Y/n..." you glance at one of the members who comes forward. They appear to be an old lady, but she holds he head with pride.
    "Y/n, you are safe here. Deloris has already informed us on your situation. We are the Madrigal family and provide protection and leadership of this small town. As a visitor, please feel at ease." She takes your hand and pats it, wrinkled hands grasping you firmly.
    "Camilo! Please assist our guest to their room." The woman walks away and the rest of the family comes forward. You are swarmed in a sea of greetings and pleasantries as a boy about your age comes forward. He had curly dark brown hair and deeply earthen toned skin. You introduce your self again but pause as you notice him studying you.
    "Um, excuse me?" You lean away from his analytical gaze. "Is there something on my face?"
    "Oh, sorry, it's not often I see such a different face," he wrinkles his brow then seemingly satisfied, snaps his fingers. "Watch this!"
    In a pop, he transforms into a mirror copy of you. Your jaw drops seeing your own face looking back at you. Curiosity takes the best of you and you scoot closer. The same eyes, hair styled just so, you reach out to Camilo brushing your hand over his hair which now mimicked your own. He pops back to what you assumed his normal form, face blushing bright red. He recoils and stumbles back nearly knocking into a wall but the floor tiles catch him.
    "Camilo, the guest room!" Shouts a tall muscular lady.
    "Right, right!" whatever blush had surfaced was now gone and he lead you to a new room. He leads you down a short corridor to a warm room decorated with paper cut outs and butterflies.
    "Well, good night. I hope you are comfortable here," he gives you a bow, flourishing with a wink and leaves. You shut the door, too tired to care. The bed is comfortable and you soon fall into sleep.

The Chameleon (Camilo x YN)Where stories live. Discover now