Chapter 4

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Sorry about this late update!! (sexiness on the side to make up for it!!) it was my birthday the other day and i have been so busyyy! so here we go chapter 4!!
Ella xxx
Ryleigh's POV:

I was going up an elevator thingy. I couldn't understand how they had an elevator underground but you know, this place is weird.


I'd obviously reached the normal world again. I still couldn't believe the fact that I - out of all the girls or models in the world - got Niall Horan's number.
Niall's POV:

I walked around for a while longer. She was beautiful. Ryleigh. What a pretty name. She had big brown eyes with dark, cherry red hair and a pale complexion. The way she smiled at me was gorgeous. My stomach grumbled.

"That's exactly what I was thinking." I replied to my growling stomach.

I made my way back to camp. I checked the time. 5:59pm. Dinner is at 6:00!!! I ran at super speed to get back to camp in time. I tripped into the dining hall as everyone stared at me. I shrugged it off, stood up and made my way over to the boys.

"Niall!! Where the heck have you been all this time and why do you look so tired?" Liam whisper-yelled in my ear.
"Sorry Liam. I was exploring and then something ran past me, so I decided to chase it down. Turns out it was only a rabbit." I was trying not to crack a smile at my lie. It would give me away.
"Okay. Just be careful." Liam warned.

Wow. I expected him to catch me out. Mental fist pump!!

"I will." I simply replied.


"Oh my gosh!! Best meal I've ever had!!" I said patting my stomach.

The others guys nodded, strongly agreeing. I was tempted to text Ryleigh.

"Guys, I'm gonna catch some Z's. Night!!" I waved, yawning.
"Night Niall!" they chorused.

I got into some grey sweats and slipped under the covers. Comfy. i pulled out my phone and composed a message to Ryleigh.

To: Ry 💁
Hey! I hope you got home safe. Wanna meet up same place tomoz at 10:00am? - Nialler x
Ryleigh's POV:

I looked at my phone to check the time. 4:40pm. Ahh I see. Whenever I spend about 30 minutes in that place, it adds up to 10 minutes up in the "normal" world. I'm so smart. I also had a text from Niall.

From Nialler 🍀:
Hey! I hope you got home safe. Wanna meet up same place tomoz at 10:00am? - Nialler x

I smiled. He's so sweet. I replied instantly.

To Nialler 🍀:
Yep! Sounds like a plan. See you tomoz - Ry x

I decided to head down to the nearest coffee shop as the small town was only a couple of minutes away to walk. I still didn't know what the hell this place was called. All my mum told me was that we were moving from Adelaide, Australia, my hometown, to somewhere in Queensland, Australia. I didn't like the big move and all the fuss.

I walked into a cute little coffee shop. An elderly couple sat in the corner of the shop. Aww, how cute! I walked over to the counter to see a boy around my age stacking the shelfs with fresh pastries and cakes.

He turned around and saw me. He was gorgeous. He was wearing all black and had bright blue eyes, a pale complexion and a black side swept fringe that sat about two centimetres above his eyebrows.

"Hi. What can I get you?" He asked and smiled
"Can I have a large hot chocolate to take away?" I asked
"Sure thing!"

In a few minutes He was back with my hot choc. Yumm!!
"That'll be $3.50 please!"
I gave him the money and left.
"Thanks!" I walked out and smiled.

I took a sip and spat it out instantly. It was too hot and I burned my tongue. I stood there fanning my tongue until I noticed some writing on the grey cup. I saw some numbers and call me written underneath. Cheeky bugger.

I got home and smelt my favourite meal. Pasta.
"I'M HAVING A SHOWER!!!" I yelled to my mum from upstairs.

I stripped off and ran the hot water. I stepped in and let the hot water consume me. I washed myself and hair quickly and hopped out. I put on some grey shorts and a black tank top. I ate quickly and hopped into bed,

Thinking about him,

Him being Niall.

Niall's POV:

I got a reply from her.

From: Ry 💁
Yep! Sounds like a plan. See you tomoz - Ry x

YEWWWWWW!!!! I get to see her again.
"Who you texting?" Zayn walked in and sat on his bed.
"No-one!" I replied a bit too fast.
I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks. Oh no. Now I'll have to show and tell. I hated that when I was younger...

"Okay. Night Nialler!" He believed me. Wow Zayn can be so oblivious sometimes. Maybe it's because he's tired. Speaking of which, I want sleep.

Thinking about her,

I shut my eyes and drifted off into a dreamy paradise.


So guys, how'd you like chappie number 4? A bit longer for you guys this time.

Give me feedback and some chocolate? Sounds like a deal.

Bye my lovelies!

Ella xxxx ✌️

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