Chapter 3

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My jaw dropped at the very familiar face.

"h-how did you get here?"

Ryleigh's POV:

"That would be my name." Niall calmed me down

I don't think I mentioned how much I loved One Direction.

"What are you doing here? In the forest?!?" I screamed.

He covered my mouth with his hand. What is air? I am being touched by Niall Horan...What the heck did i just say?

"You cant scream or the Fan Alarm will go off!!" I melted at the sound of his voice..Wait. Fan Alarm?
"What in the world of potatoes is the Fan Alarm?" I was mildly confused at this.
"NIALL!!!! WHERE ARE YOU LEPRACHAUN?" I heard raspy, British voice call out.

Instantly I knew it was Harry Styles.

Niall pushed me into a blackberry bush.
'Shit' i thought as thorns dug in to my arms, legs and face.

"I'll explain later what it is. For now you have to be quiet!!" Niall urged for me to shut up.

Harry walked over to where Niall was standing and gave him a questioning look.

"Who are you talking to there Niall?" Harry looked at him confused
"Umm-I was just talking to-Satan?" It sounded like it came out more of a question.
"Niall? Are you feeling okay?" I mentally face palmed myself.

Wow Niall is that the best excuse you have?

"Anyways, dinner is ready Niall."

Oh no. He's gunna ditch me for food...

"I'll be there in a minute Harry! I still want to explore this place!!"

Niall was so calm about it all.

"Okay..." Harry finished turning on his heel and walking off.
I waited about a minute before asking "Is he gone?"

"Yeah. You can come out now." Niall said.
"Do you realise you just pushed me into a blackberry bush?"

He looked at me with worry in his eyes.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry!!" He was panicking like crazy.
"No it's okay. Just a couple of little cuts thats all." I reassured him as he helped me up out of the bush.

Oh my gosh how adorable is he?

"Who?" Oh geez... I did not just say that

"Yes you did. Who is just so adorable?" he questioned with an evil smirk.

"Umm-I-err.." No don't stutter Ryleigh!
"Are you talking about meeee....". His smirk grew bigger.

I blushed probably looking like a tomato. Oh god why?
Niall pounced on me and started tickling me. My head hit the ground with a thud.

"OKAY OKAY!!" I screamed in fits of laughter.
"NIALL HORAN IS SEXY!!!" I screamed putting my hands up in surrender.

He got off of me and helped me up.
"So what is the fan alarm?" I asked what was on my mind from the start.
"Okay I'll explain now." Niall answered

He went on to explain that this was a place that celebrities could hang out on their breaks from tours and stuff. Fans weren't allowed to be here and that if they were they would have to do a lockdown.

"But i don't understand! We aren't that much of a threat are we?" I said defending all fans of celebrities.
"In this world all fans are seen at threats. I don't know why." Niall explained.

"Well I probably have to get back home. My mum is expecting me by 6:00." I said
"Awhh!! I don't want you to leave!" He whined
"I'll show you the way out." He offered

He held out his hand for me to take. Is this happening? Being me, I took his hand eagerly and walked to the exit.

"Will I get to see you again?" I asked worried about the answer.
"Yeah. Next time though I can sneak you in." He said looking at me wiggling his eyebrows.
"Ryleigh, can I ask you something?" He asked shyly.
"Yeah! What is it?" I replied eagerly.
"C-can I get y-your number?" He stuttered

He looked so cute when he's nervous.

"Of course!!" I screamed clearly overexcited as he laughed.

We swapped phones and exchanged numbers. This wasn't something that happened on a daily basis.

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