Chapter 1

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Hii! So this is the second book of mine that's currently in progress. I've only just started publishing on Wattpad because I cant really write that well and I'm not that creative. I will do short chapters but update often. I'm trying my best so hope you guys enjoy this story! 

Ella xx

Ryleigh's POV

"How much longer till we get there?" I groaned.

I was tired and bored shitless.

"About 2 minutes now Ryleigh!" my Mom replied, awful cheerfully

I sighed and looked out of the car window. It was foggy and we were going up a really steep hill.

I must have totally zoned out and got lost in my thoughts.

"Ry? HELLLOOOO???" my Mom waved her hands in front of my face.

"Huh?" I jolted up

"We're here."


I sounded like an overexcited 8 year old. 

Im 16, crazy and proud 

I ran into the new house and it was....HUGE and I mean HUGE.

I had a choice 3 rooms. Being me, I decided on the one with the balcony upstairs.

Also being the biggest it was perfect.

I walked over to the balcony doors and opened them.

A light, cool breeze whipped my hair around as I stepped onto the balcony.

There was a large strecth of land which looked liked a forest.

I pulled out my phone looking for coverage; none

"Stupid Telstra" I cussed

I ran downstairs. I really wanted to check out that forest.

I'm in love with nature. I've loved it since I was 5.

"Mom, I'm going for a walk!"

"Okay. Come back at 6:00 for dinner" she chirped.

''Sure thing Mom."

I skipped out the front door and let the paths lead the way.


I wandered for a while, trying to figure out how far into the forest I was.

I checked the time. 4:30pm. I left around 4:00. Still had heaps of time.

I wandered further into the forest. I was really curious about what lived in these forests.

I saw so many birds, spiders and other amazing creatures. Out of nowhere, I heard water.

Oh. My. Gosh. I started running. I loved waterfalls. I ran faster than I ever have before.

My legs were weakening and I was running out of breath, but I kept running.

All in the adreniline of sprinting, I tripped over a rock. This was no normal rock.

I expected to hit the ground but instead kept falling.

"What the freaking hell is this?!?"


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