The Funeral pt1

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Since this is not shown in the webtoon I'm gonna have to improvise so...I hope you enjoy this fucking depressing(like my life right now) chapter.

As Y/N was standing outside the door to Remi's classroom he heard her scream and lightning discharge, he didn't know it yet but she had just gotten some bad news.


I was standing beside the door waiting for Remi to exit when she slammed it open, shattering the glass, and stormed past me. Something was wrong, Remi always stops and talks to me. I sprinted after her to find out what was wrong.

Y/N: Remi! Remi, wait! Tell me what happened. I can help.

She whirled around to face me, tears in her eyes, before launching into my arms and sobbing into my chest.

Remi: *sobbing* I-It's Rei. He's dead. T-They found him in an alleyway.

As soon as I heard those words, I started tearing up. The friend I'd made in my first year, was gone. Never to be seen again. Quietly, I spoke.

Y/N: When is it? I'm coming with you. I have to be there, for you and your mom. It's what he would have wanted.

Remi nodded before pulling away and wiping her eyes.

Remi: Arlo should be fine without us for a week or two. We should let him know as well anyway. Just in case he does show up. You go start packing and let Vaughn know. I'll let Arlo know.

I nodded in agreement before walking back to my dorm room with my head down in sadness.


I'm currently outside of Headmaster Vaughn's office waiting for Keene to let me in when Remi walks up next to me.

Y/N: Are you going to be okay?

Remi: Eventually.

I was about to reach out when she turned and walked away, presumably to start packing if she hasn't already.

Keene: The headmaster will see you now, Y/N.

Y/N: Thanks Keene. I'm sorry to leave all these rowdy first and second years with you in any case. I know you don't like breaking up fights.

Keene: It's all good. It's not like you're being pulled from the school permanently, right?

Y/N: Yeah. It's just for a week or two. I'll be back after that and take over stopping the fights again.

Keene: Yeah alright. You should probably not keep him waiting any longer.

Y/N: Right.

I walk in and I'm greeted with Headmaster Vaughn.

Y/N: Headmaster, I'm sorry but would it be okay if Remi and I be excused from classes for a week or two? We're heading back home for Rei's funeral after school today.

Vaughn: I don't see any problems with that. *sighs*. Rei was...he was a good kid and better student. Always sticking up for others instead of himself. I'm sorry to hear that he's gone.

Y/N: Thank you sir. He really was one of the best of us.

As I left the office I felt eyes on me and heard the whispers. It was hard to ignore them but I managed.

Kurama: I understand your thought kit, but I can't say I agree with what you're planning on doing.

Y/N: Yeah, well. It's not like I'm trying to save the neighborhood or anything.

I'm broken out of my thoughts when I feel something run into me.

Y/N: Hm?

Evie: I-I-I'm s-s-sorry sir. P-P-Please, don't hurt me.

Y/N: Hurt you? Why would I hurt you? *notices cuts and bruises* Hey, who did that to you? Let me know and I'll take care of it.

Evie turned to look at me and I noticed she had a black eye and her nose was broken. That pissed me off more than I already was.

Y/N: Tell me who did this to you. I'm not going to allow anyone to be treated like this. I'm taking him to the Headmaster and he's going to be expelled. Now, give me his name, please.

Evie: I-I can't. He'll do it even worse next time.

She slowly shook her head as the tears that began forming in her eyes started spilling down her cheeks.

Y/N: Don't be scared of him. Whatever he's done to you, I'll do even worse to him. So please, let me help you. Let's start over. *pulls the girl to her feet and smiles kindly* Whats your name?

Evie: *blushes due to Y/N's smile being adorable* M-My name is Evie.

Y/N: Alright then Evie. Please tell me who did this to you so I can stop him from hurting anyone else.

Evie: *looks away crying* I-It was Gavin. Please, I don't want him to hurt me again.

Y/N: Oh, he won't. I'll make sure of it. I promise you that Gavin will never hurt you or anyone else at this school again. Now let me take you to Doc. I don't want you walking around with those injuries anymore.

The One Who Protects And The Not So Lonely God. (UnOrdinary x OP! Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now