Spending Time with a Time Lord

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The Doctor's P.O.V

I was activating controls on the console of the TARDIS when Y/N's parents gasped in utter disbelief once more. I turned to look at them and they were looking right at me.

Doctor: Uhh. Sorry, is there something on my face?

Y/N's parents just stared. I sighed in annoyance.

Doctor: You do realize your son has been hiding things from you, right? He's not actually human. He's a Time Lord like me. Or at least, half Time Lord.

Y/N's Dad: If you're over 4.5 billion years old, how old is he?

I had to stop and think about that for a second when Y/N chimed in.

Y/N: 4.3 billion years. I'm only younger than her now because my reincarnation cycle took a while to give my memories and abilities back. We were the same age before Rassilon interfered. Then I reincarnated, and she got stuck in a confession dial.

I was shocked for a moment.

Doctor: How did you know about the confession dial? I thought those memories were completely erased.

Y/N was quiet.

Doctor: Please Y/N, don't tell me you-.

Y/N: Tried to find yours? Yeah. I did. Lot of good that did. The Time Lords had already hidden it on Gallifrey by then. I didn't have most of my memories at that point, either. Just you, the confession dials, and what they were used for. Which meant I couldn't remember how to get to Gallifrey.

I tried to stop myself from crying. He cared about me so much he tried to find me even without his memories. Not many people that would have done that for me are alive anymore. I missed having him around. I didn't even notice he was behind me until his arms wrapped around me and he turned me around so my face was in his chest.

Y/N: It's okay Doctor. You can let it out. I know you've held it in for a long time, but you don't have to now. I'm here to take that burden away once more.

At his words I broke down. Tears streaming down my face and broken sobs echoing from my mouth. I was soaking his shirt but he didn't seem to mind. I felt his hand move from my shoulder to my back as he started rubbing it in circles gently.

Y/N: I know you've been hurting. I know you've felt alone. Not anymore. I'll be right by your side again. No more pain. No more suffering. Not on my watch. I love you, and that's not going to change.

I started crying harder. He knew. He always knew when I was hurting, when I was stressed, when I was lonely. He always knew, and I don't know how, but I'm glad he does. Before I knew it, I fell asleep in his arms, still crying softly.


The Doctor finally fell asleep. She never did take breaks when anybody else did. I reached out to the consciousness of the TARDIS telepathically.

Y/N: Can you take me to her room, old friend? She's had a rough few millenia without us.

TARDIS: Of course. She deserves this rest. And so do you. Take a break. Rest with her. I'll handle the transporting for now.

Y/N: Thank you old friend.

After I cut the connection I opened the door to The Doctor's room with her still in my arms. Stepping in, I noticed it was very untidy. I kind of expected that though, considering she's never in here to clean. I got her blankets pulled back and after slipping her boots off, set the Doctor under the blankets, and after sliding off my own shoes, climbed in with her. Naturally she felt the absence of my body heat and started tossing and turning before I gently grabbed her hand and guided her towards me. Snuggling up to me, the Doctor gained a small, but content smile, showing off her true happiness for the first time in thousands of years. I smiled softly before tucking a loose strand of hair back behind her ear and stroking her back once more.

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