Zeno Expo and a surprise! (Pt.1)

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Hello to those of you still reading this cringefest. I am back! Yes, I know. I was gone for quite a while. Now, while I have some ideas for the next few "crossovers", they will not have any lasting effects after they end other than what's gained in them. Now, down to business. I split this chapter up into two parts. This chapter will be spent on the Zeno Expo and a little something extra. Also! A little bit of a...teaser...will be making an appearance here.


Y/n P.O.V


Not long after I fell asleep with Alice, I was awoken by my phone ringing. Looking at the screen, I noticed it was Bulma, who I had given my number to before we left after Cell. I picked up the phone with my usual greeting.

Y/n: You have reached the TFFUO, Y/n speaking, how may I help you?

Bulma: Y/n, what the fuck is the TFFUO?

Y/n: Oh, it's the Technoblade Foundation For Unaliving Orphans. Why?

Bulma: No reason. Now the reason I called is because Goku got Zeno to make a tournament between ten different universes and we need you to participate in it and the Expo. The Expo is now and the Tournament is in a week.

Y/n: Who all is gonna be there?

Bulma: Gohan, Goku, Vegeta, Androids 17 and 18, Roshi, Piccolo, and Krillin. We don't know who else to bring besides you.

Y/n: Have you tried asking if Goku's parents are interested? I mean, I know they're dead but I'm sure Whis could get somebody in to talk to them.

Bulma: Actually...I hadn't thought of that. You should go, they are part of your family after all.

Y/n sighed quietly.

Y/n: Fine, but Goku is coming with me.

Bulma sighed in acceptance and ended the call.

Alice: You have to go?

Y/n: Yeah. I'm sorry Alice. I have to participate in a large-scale universal tournament hosted by the King of All.

Alice: It's okay. Go. Be a hero.

Y/n smiled, kissing Alice as he got up.

Y/n: I love you.

Alice smiled through her exhaustion.

Alice: I love you too.

Y/n put two fingers on his forehead and disappeared.

[Scene change]

Goku: Hey Y/n! How's Alice doing?

Y/n sighed quietly.

Y/n: Shaken up. She tried hiding it but I could tell.

Goku went to say something but Y/n just brushed him off by walking to Whis.

Y/n: Can we get moving now?

Whis: Why yes. Just put your hands on my shoulders.

Goku and Y/n put their hands on Whis' shoulder without saying a word. Whis made sure they wouldn't fall off while teleporting, and when he was satisfied he tapped his staff twice engulfing them in rainbow light.

[King Yemma's palace]

Once Whis' teleportation landed, Y/n stepped out from behind him rolling his shoulders to help remove the stiffness from being stationary for a prolonged amount of time.

King Yemma: W-Whis, my lord. What brings you here today? A-And where is Lord Beerus?

Whis: Oh Beerus is napping on Earth.

The One Who Protects And The Not So Lonely God. (UnOrdinary x OP! Male reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora