The Funeral part 2

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I forgot the mention in this chapter so im adding it now. This chapter is dedicated to BenHutchings1 who inspired me to add the twist. Thank you man, truly. Your story is what inspired me to even finish this chapter in the way that i did, so thank you from the bottom of my heart.


I was walking with Evie to the nurses office when I bumped into a blonde little prick I like to call Asslo, even though his name is Arlo.

Y/N: What now Asslo. Can't you tell I'm busy?

Asslo: *scoffs* With what, helping trash?

As soon as the words left Arlo's mouth, he knew he fucked up.

Asslo: Y-Y/N I'm sorry.

My hair shadowed my eyes as my hair started spiking up and my eyes began turning blood red with slits. I started gritting my quickly sharpening teeth as my nails grew longer and sharper. Arlo noticed this as he started backing away.

Asslo: Y-Y/N I know you're mad but low tiers don't deserve to breathe the same air as us God tiers.

My whisker marks deepened even more as my body gained a red bubbly aura with two tails and bunny-like ears.

Asslo: ...

Y/N: No no. Keep going. What else were you going to say?

Asslo: ...

Y/N: That's what I thought. Bitch boy. Back away and get to class before I crush your feeble little pride.

Arlo quickly turned and sped away at speeds Sera would be jealous of. When I was sure he was gone I turned back to look at Evie only to see she was terrified. Slowly I let the bijuu chakra fade away from use.

Y/N: Sorry you had to see that Evie. I'm usually not that easy to piss off, but when that guy is involved it's almost like my fuse gets cut in half.

Evie: I-Its okay. It was just a little surprising to see someone defend me.

I smiled at her before I gave her a few headpats.

Y/N: Don't worry about it. I'm not like the rest of the high tiers. Anyway, let's go in the infirmary.

Evie nodded as I opened the door for her and walked in after her.


Y/N: Sorry doc but she got beat by some guy called Gavin and I brought her to get her all healed up.

Darren: *sighs* All right but you better not be coming in here daily like John, you understand?

Y/N: Oh don't worry about me doc. You should worry about the ones who cross me. Speaking of which, you're gonna get a guy in here later. Silver hair, purple eyes, enhancement ability. I'll be the one who sent him.

Darren: And why is that?

Y/N: He's the prick who hurt Evie. So I'm gonna hurt him back.

Darren: *mumbling* You fucking kids are gonna be the death of me. *normally* Fine, just don't kill him and you'll get off scott free.

I chuckled nervously. There goes that plan.

Evie: How long will the healing take, sir?

Darren: You're not going to be able to attend your other classes. The damage is too severe. I'd estimate you'll be here for about three hours given how little I see you in here.

The One Who Protects And The Not So Lonely God. (UnOrdinary x OP! Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now