Chapter 16: I want to get a job!

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I ended up getting another knife and some armor..

He still felt bad about making her pay, but she had insisted that he got more gear, lest he get killed in the Dungeon or something.

She's treating me like I'm some kind of pushover who can't take care of themselves..

(This was coming from a Falna-less adventurer)

I'm not some child!

(He's 14.)

Damn it, I'll get stronger so I can catch up to her!

(This was, again, coming from a Falna-less adventurer)

He sighed as he considered more realistic approaches at life.

Is that one Jagamarukun stand still hiring? I could really use a part-time job..

Yes, maybe he could do adventuring at night and sell Jagamarukun in the morning?

That could work. He considered. Okay, time to go get a job! 

After his 'date' with Ais, she had to go attend to Familia matters.

He hadn't seen her around since, and his life went back to being mainly eventless, unless the lingering glares from male adventurers and the exchanged whispers around him were considered notable.

Yep, he had recently become one of the most hated men in the city (by the males, of course. The females thought he looked like a cute bunny).

Hooray! ..His life sucked.

Well anyways, he was left with a lot of free time, so why not get a job? It meant extra revenue, even if it cut his already pitifully small amount of sleep time short.

I mean, yeah, less sleep means being exhausted more often and being more sluggish in the Dungeon, which could result in me getting killed, but yeah, besides that, what reason is there not to do it?

He halted his walking at his pathetic attempt at logic. He wasn't really a think-before-acting type of person, quite the opposite, really.

And if that meant his logic and common sense was at times questionable, then that's just how it was.

He darted for the nearest Jagamarukun stand in an attempt to get his mind off of the annoying thoughts plaguing his head.

Get a job first and worry about it later! I have money to make, and I need to put food on the metaphorical table somehow..!

He sprinted to the stand as the worker jumped back in surprise.

"Hello! Are you hiring?"

"Um.. No?"

"Okay, thank you for your assistance!"

And just like that, he was gone, the only traces of him being the very confused stall worker.

Bell wandered around once more, wondering where exactly that stand was.

It was.. West? No, East, I'm pretty sure.. 

He sighed.

The village he had come from didn't offer much education, nor did it really need it as the majority of the population were farmers.

Things like math and reading were unneeded; Farming didn't require any of those things.

This had unfortunately affected Bell, as he had only just learned math so he could pay for things, and he was still studying Koine.

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