Dadschlatt x child reader

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Just angst schlag
(And comfort Tommy and Wilbur)
Age: 7
Name: Y/n
You are Schlatts child obv
They/them pronouns

Tommy and Wilbur are not related to you , you just call them 'uncle' cause there close friends and you also call Niki auntie because she's also really close

Schlatts POV

"My first order of businesses is to revoke sir Tommyinnit and Wilbur Soot!" I yelled.
'God damn it Y/n's gonna be heartbroken' I thought.
"Tommy run!" Wilbur said , they splashed invisibility potions and bolted.
I started to laugh maniacly.

Y/n's POV

I was with Auntie Niki when everything was happening.
I had no idea what was going on.
I only knew that Auntie Niki got a call and she was heartbroken she fell to the floor and sobbed.
I ran up to her and hugged her , "what's wrong auntie niki?" I said.
"Nothing sweetie everything is ok" she hugged me back.
I got worried cause dad was talking to Uncle Tom and uncle Wilby.
He's been getting mad at them recently , I don't know why though.
I went to the couch and started to draw I tried my best to focus on something else.

Nikis POV

God damn it!
Why did the fucker have to do that!
God this is gonna kill y/n.

~time skip to Schlatt coming home~

Schlatts POV

I walked through the door and saw y/n on the couch sleeping , I smiled but it soon faded when I saw niki.
She said quietly "we need to talk now".
She went outside , and i followed.
She quietly yelled at me "What the fuck are you doing , when she finds out she's going to be heartbroken!".
"I know Nihachu" I said mockingly.
"You think I forgot about that!" I whisper yelled.

"I love y/n like a daughter and you probably don't even love her at all" niki said , "your right maybe I don't and you know why cause.they.are.worthless.".
she walked away furious.
"I gotta get a beer" I said.

Y/n's POV


He doesn't love me.
He also said I'm worthless.
Maybe I am...
I heard it all everything she said and everything he said.
~time skip to about an hour later~
That's it I'm done I can't do this.
I went to my room and looked at the window , it's about a two meter drop I think I'll be ok.
I quietly opened the window then it creaked.
'No no no no no no no no' I thought , just when I thought it couldn't get worse it got worse.
"What the fuck are you doing brat!" Dad said I looked at his hand of course he had beer , I didn't reply just jumped out.
My legs hurt a little bit but not to much , I was still in my pyjamas and there where monsters out.
I ran as fast I could out of L'manberg or as dad calls it 'Manberg' I hated it.
I started heading into a forest , it was dark and I couldn't see I was still running as fast as possible 'I really hope he doesn't follow m-'.
I bumped into something it was probably a tree but I apologized anyway.
I looked up and it was an enderman , oh no I accidentally looked in its eyes.

(Dis what it looks like ^^^)It started saying weird stuff like '⎅⍜⋏⏁ ⌰⍜⍜☍ ⟟⋏⏁⍜ ⋔⊬ ⟒⊬⟒⌇ ⌿⌰⟒⏃⌇⟒' or '⍙⊑⟒⋏ ⏁⊑⟒ ⟟⋔⌿⍜⌇⏁⟒⍀ ⟟⌇ ⌇⎍⌇'

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(Dis what it looks like ^^^)
It started saying weird stuff like '⎅⍜⋏⏁ ⌰⍜⍜☍ ⟟⋏⏁⍜ ⋔⊬ ⟒⊬⟒⌇ ⌿⌰⟒⏃⌇⟒' or '⍙⊑⟒⋏ ⏁⊑⟒ ⟟⋔⌿⍜⌇⏁⟒⍀ ⟟⌇ ⌇⎍⌇'.
I stated apologizing more.
Then it grabbed me and teleported.
I felt quite dizzy and lightheaded and then I fainted.

Wilbur's POV

"God fucking damn it Tommy"

"What bitch!"

"You twat , look what you did"

"Not my fault your whale or whatever it is drowned"

"It's a fucking orca Tommy , and his name was Pandora!"

"Well I hope your whale finds a Jared"

"You mother fuc-"


"What the fuck was that" I said , I turned to tommy and ran to the direction the noise came from.
Tommy followed after me , we found a small child crying it looked kind of like y/n.
Under further investigation it was y/n!
Tommy then poked me and said "so uhm Wilbur I think I figured out how they got here".
"What Tommy I swear to god if you di-" I looked to my left and it was an enderman.
I quickly shut my eyes and covered Tommy's eyes , "we are very sorry please forgive us" I said.

The enderman took my hand and removed it from Tommy's face , I opened my eyes.
And then it wasn't there.
"Uhm Wilbur y/n is still here" Tommy said , "oh shit!".

~time skip to about 30-56 minutes after you passed out~


Owwwww my heads killing me.
I slowly opened my eyes to be greeted with a large ravine that looks kinda like something Tommy would like.

"__y/___can y___h__r__m___"

I close my eyes and open them again to see Wilbur and Tommy.
"WILBY , TOMS!" I said shouting.
"Oh thank primes they are ok" Tommy said whispering.
"Hi Y/n are you alright?"

"...uhm dad got mad at ms.niki and she said she loves me and then dad said that he doesn't love me and then dad got drunk and the-"

"Wait hold on schlatt said what?"

"Dad said he doesn't love me and then he got dru-"

"Y/n are you okay did he hurt you!?
Did anybody hurt you!?"

"No uncle Wilby I'm ok"

"Thank primes"

"Uncle Wilby I'm tired"

"Ok sweetie how about you go get some rest"


Uncle Tommy picked me up and carried me to a bedroom , it was covered in cobblestone and stone , there where only a chest and a bed.
Uncle Wilby followed Tom's and leaned on the door frame.
Tom's tucked me in to bed and sang me a lullaby.

Tom's finished the song and then said "goodnight y/n sweet dreams"

"Sweet dreams kid" said uncle Wilby.

Wilburs POV

"Haha! You sang them a lullaby that wasn't very manly of you was it big man!" I said.
"Oh shut your fucking trap you twat!" Said Tommy.

"...I -I just don't know why schlatt doesn't love them"

"Wilbur it's going to be alright ok , chin up big man"

"Alright Toms , ...thanks"

"No problem king , goodnight Wilbur get some sleep"

"Ok ok go to bed , goodnight"


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