The Unforgettable Summer

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“Aria, Aria!” I heard Niall yell from across the room. It actually wasn't very much of a room, more like dark and empty space. I couldn't see him, but I knew it was his voice. “Aria!” His voice started to fade. What was happening?

 I finally felt myself waking up, and the sound of my brother Mike screaming my name over and over again while shaking my entire body.

“What do you want Mike?” I said grumpily as I turned over to his side, with my eyes still closed. He didn't answer, so I opened one eye, then the other, my eyes blurry from my sleep.

“Do you know what today is?” Mike said in an excited tone.

 I honestly didn't care what Mike had to say, because it was either something really stupid, or something I wouldn't understand at all. But I took the chance and asked him anyways.

“What is today Mike?” I said with a sigh as I closed my eyes again.

“It's the first day of summer, duh.” He explained as he rolled his eyes.

I instantly sprang out of my bed, and ran to the calender that hung on my wall. And what do we know, it was the first day of summer! I've been waiting all year for this, which felt like an eternity. This summer, I am confident that I will finally get everything I've ever wanted... Niall Horan, the boy next door.

 We've been best friends ever since I moved here with my mom, and my brother when I was four years old. He was the first friend I made in this town. His messy bleached blonde hair, and his ocean blue eyes shimmer in the sunlight as he swims in the lake. And what I love most about Niall, would be his braces. They just look so attractive on him. I've seen many guys with braces, but they just can't pull them off like Niall does. Me and Niall have a special bond with each other, that I don't even have with my friends, which I think is very special.

 But when last summer came along, our relationship wasn't quite like it used to be. I don't know what happened. I would call him, and text him, and even Skype him, and he wouldn't answer. Maybe it was me? What did I have to do to get Niall to hate me?

 Nothing upsets Niall. Hes always the happy go lucky guy in our town. I've talked to him a few times over the past year, but our conversations aren't like they used to be either. This summer, I'm going to make everything like it used to be.

 I hadn't realized that I was standing here for a little over five minutes. It was the first day of summer, what was I going to do on the first day out of how many? Maybe I would invite some friends over and have a party tonight, since my mom wouldn't mind because we throw parties every summer at our house. And who knows, Niall might come over to see me. Haha, I wish. He's probably gonna hang out with some of his buddies from school. Knowing that he's going into grade 11 in September and I'm going into grade 10 would make it harder for me to compete with other girls because I'm not as 'sexy' as they are. But I will find a way, like they say “If there's a will, there's a way.”


 “Oh my gosh, Cher, you're never gonna guess who I like, like!” I said excitedly, as I had the urge to jump on my bed and freak out.

“Hmm, let me guess, is it Niall Horan, the boy next door?” she answered sarcastically.

 Cher is my best friend, and I don't know where I'd be without her. But Niall's and Cher's relationship with me is a lot more different then you think.

“Hey, how'd you know?” I said puzzled as I sat beside Cher on the side of my bed.

“Well I don't know Aria, you talk about him every day.” she replied with a chuckle.

“Oh, right.” I said embarrassed. I got up from the side of my bed and walked towards my closet.

I wanted to wear something, a little revealing for the party so I can get Niall's attention.

 “This looks nice.” I said as I held the outfit up so Cher can see it.

“Hmm.” she said as she got up, and started to go through the clothes in my closet. “How about this, with this?” Cher really knows how to pick out an outfit. A mini skirt and a strapless white top, this will get Niall's attention for sure.

 By 7 o'clock, people had started to arrive, and I turned on the stereo to keep them busy while I got some drinks and snacks. The outfit was really working on other guys, cause I'd look over, and they'd be staring my ass down, or even looking at my boobs with their jaws dropped down to the ground. I guess they've never seen the wild side of me before, hahaha.

 It's been two hours since the party started and still no sign of Niall. Cher was with some of her other friends, and I would start chatting with some people, then just casually sneak away. I sat on the bench by the window keeping watch of people that were coming in, and leaving. I saw a couple making out behind the tree, and I thought to myself, 'Man, I really wish that was me and Niall right now.'

 All of a sudden, I heard the doorbell ring, even over the loud music. I went to open it, and there stood in front of me was Niall. I couldn't believe it, he was finally here. I saw his jaw drop a little as I caught him staring at my boobs.

“Hi.” I said nervously, as if I had never spoken to him in my life.

“Hey.” he said as he walked right by me and went to his group of friends.

Well so much for the revealing clothes. I sat back down on the bench, and crossed my arms and stared into the darkness of the night. The stars were shining, the lake was calm, and the trees blew lightly in the summer breeze.

 I looked back to the party, and all I saw was Cher whispering something in Niall's ear, then they both looked over at me with wide eyes. I don't know what was going on, but I am going to get to the bottom of this. I watched them, my eyes not blinking once as I got up and walked quickly towards Cher. I grabbed her by the arm, and took her into the bathroom and closed the door behind me.

“What the hell are you doing?!” I yelled, and my arms made all these different motions.

“I'm helping you.” she said with a smile on her face.

“How is whispering in my future boyfriend's ear helping me?!” I yelled again.

“You'll see.” She said as she opened the door behind me and skipped away.

 No way, she didn't just tell Niall I liked him did she? But she did. I don't know whether to be annoyed or glad. Maybe both. As I was walking out, I bumped into someone, I didn't wanna bother who it was until he grabbed my hand and took me back into the bathroom. I stood there shocked out of my skin. It was Niall.

 He closed the door behind him and locked it, now I started to get nervous, as my stomach set free millions of butterflies.

“I'm sorry I ignored you before, it's just that...” He paused. He opened his mouth to let more words go, but none came out.

 He just stood there looking at the floor, not wanting to look me in the eyes, as if he were shy.

“Well?” I asked

“And you've been ignoring me for almost a year!” I screamed at him and I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks.

I felt him put a finger to my lips, and I finally caught his ocean blue orbs with mine. “It's just that I like you Aria!” the words slipped out of his mouth.

“And the only reason I ignored you for almost a year was because I was upset that you had a boyfriend, and I didn't want anything to do with you, but now that I'm here alone with you, I finally got to tell you how I feel about you.” I never thought those words would slip out of his mouth, ever.

 “Oh.” I said shocked, and didn't know what to say, at all.

I was speechless. All this time, Niall liked me, not only as a friend, but more then that. And I felt the exact same way about him. “Cher lied to you.” and now I blew it. I had my one and only chance, and I blew it.

 I just couldn't believe what I heard Niall say, and now I lost my chances with him. I unlocked, and opened the door and walked out, leaving Niall alone in the washroom.

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