Chapter Three

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Aria's P.O.V


He was talking to Harry, one of his best friends, which I was also friends with, but didn't talk much since it would feel kind of awkward between us.

I saw him turn around to look at me, and as he did so, I pretened to put my books in my locker and replace them with my books for the next classes.

He was standing there for a couple seconds or so then started to slowly pace himself towards me.

'Don't look at him, don't look at him.' My mind kept telling me, but it was too late. He was already standing next to me with a look of concern on his face, as his bright blue orbs met with my own.

"Hey Nialler" I greeted him with a hug, wrapping my free arm around him.

It looked as if he were about to ask me a question, since he was swallowing hard, and he opened his mouth to speak.

"W-would you like to go to the dance with me?" he asked as my stomach had a feeling I had never felt before in my life.

What was I going to say? I really did want to go to the Home Coming Dance with Niall, but was he asking me as a date, or as a friend? My mind couldn't think of anything to say, so I blurted the first thing that came to my mind, which was a total and complete lie.

"Well Niall," I started "Zayn, my boyfriend already asked me, then he's going to drive me home afterwards." Why did I just lie to my best friend? 

I didn't want to hurt him. But by the look on his face, I did. I hurt my best friend. The one and only person that I tell everything to. I just lied to my best friend.

I really feel bad now. I had told Niall about Zayn before, but him and I are only friends. Niall has never met him though, and whenever I would talk about him with Niall, it looked as if he was cringing at the thought of me and Zayn. 

For some reason, things became very tense between us, which has never happened before.

"Sorry." I whispered apologetically in his ear giving him another hug, then walking off for my nest class.

I, myself, even felt heartbroken for saying what I did. I don't even know why I said that.

Now I felt really bad, not only for Niall, but for myself.

-End of Flashback-

It had been hours since everyone left, leaving my house with a horrid mess to clean up, since the parties were my responsibility, and my brother would help out now and then.

I was still wearing Niall's blue hoodie that he had given to me when I was out at the lake. He is so sweet sometimes, but other times, you just don't wanna be around him, especially when he gets angry.

I felt like falling asleep, but I couldn't. Something was keeping me awake, and I don't know what it could be.

The clock on my bedside read 2:46am.

I wonder if Niall is really taking me on a date tomorrow?

Just the thought of our so called 'date' gave me butterflies. I couldn't believe I was actually going out with Niall. I think I might be dreaming.

I started to pinch myself.

"Ow!" I yelped loudly, but not loud enough to wake anyone in the house.

All of a sudden, my phone started to vibrate. Who the fuck would call me at this time in the morning?

I decided to pick up the phone and answer tiredly.

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