Chapter Four

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The Notebook was an amazing movie, and the look on Niall's face makes me think he loved it aswell. A smile was plastered on his face.

"Did you enjoy the movie?" Niall questioned with his deep Irish accent of his.

His voice when he speaks is so mezmorizing, and no matter how much he talks, you'll never want him to shut up.

I snapped myself out of my trance to find myself glancing up into Niall's eyes.

"Hmm?" I quizzed as I pursed my lips. "Oh yeah, it was great." I finished as I waved my hand in the air, not paying attention to what he was saying.

Something caught my eye in the distance as Niall held the door open for me, and I knew. Those boys were still there, and I got a sudden tingle down my back at the thought of them.

I glanced over at Niall to see that he was looking in the same direction I was, glaring at them, it's like he knew them.

"W-we should really get ouy of here." I whispered in my ear, not taking his eyes off the group of boys in the distance.

He started pulling on my arm, motioning me towards the truck, and the group of boys came closer with ever step we took.

My stomach started to churn, and I had a bad feeling that something horrible was going to happen.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Niall Horan. And who might this lovely lady be?" the boy's voice was deep and husky as he and his group of friends stummbled closer to us.

I backed up behind Niall so that he was now protecting me.

"What do you want?" Niall gritted through his teeth.

I didn't see his face but I knew he was glaring hard at them. The air stank like alcohol, which meant they have obviously been drinking for hours.

"Oh nothing." the boy said plainly.

I couldn't see his face, since it had grown dark outside while Niall and I were in the theater.

"Get the fuck out of here." Niall said furiously, his teeth still gritted.

I starting backing away, slowly making my way towards the truck that was only steps away until I felt I hand grab my wrist and another placed over my mouth. I was now more scared then ever. I tried to scream, but I couldn't. I tried with all my might to get out of his grasp but I couldn't.

"Shhh, it's just me." The voice hummed in my ear. I recognized his voice, I knew who he was.

He took his hand off my wrist, and my mouth as I turned around to see Zayn standing there chuckling.

"What the hell Zayn, I thought I was getting kidnapped or something." I whispered with anger in my voice, my eyes growing wide.

"Why would I kidnap my best friend." He laughed and slapped my arm.

"Zayn, you really shouldn't be here right now," I started slowly, as my voice grew louder. "you have to leave." I finished as I pressed my teeth hard together.

And with that, he laughed and walked away.

I watched him as he walked away, leaving me in the dark.

I slowly unlocked, and opened the truck door, closing it softly behind me with a look of worry on my face. I saw Niall in the distance, he was still in the same place he had been when I had left.

The boy who I didn't know then threw a punch right at Niall, and he blocked it, knocking the boy out. 

I was now more worried than ever. I wanted to help in some sort of way, but something was holding me back, I was afraid.

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