Chapter Two

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Niall's P.O.V


"Why don't you just ask her? It's not that hard." My friend Harry asked as he laughed, tiliting his head back.

"Just because, I can't..." I trailed off as I saw Aria walk down the hallway, and opening her locker and placing her books in and replacing them for her next classes.

'Should I Niall?' I thought scrunching up my nose, and debating whether I should or not.

Or maybe it would ruin our friendship, and I didn't want that, not at all. I've liked her for a while now, but if I ask her now, would that make things awkward between us? Or would it make our relationship stronger?

There were so many thoughts running through my mind, I didn't know what to think anymore. The thoughts of my and Aria lingering in my mind soon faded away, and was replaced by yelling by Harry.

"Hello? Niall? So are you gonna do it?" he asked poking his index finger at my chest constantly.

All I could let out were 'hmmm's' and 'umm's'.

I had finally made my decision, I was gonna do it. I know asking my best friend that is a girl to that dance wasn't a big deal, but it was to me. I don't know what it was that made me fall for her. Maybe it was her bright smile. Or maybe her pretty face. Or just everything about her made me fall even harder.

I walked slowly up to her, as she shut her locker door, and looked towards me and gave me the smile I loved.

"Hey Nialler." she said as she got on her tip toes to give me a hug, only wrapping one arm around me.

Millions of butterflies exploded in my stomach. Now was my chance, am I gonna blow it? Should I just walk away and pretend that I was never alive?

"W-would you like to go to the dance with me?" I stuttered, scared to hear her response.

"Well Niall," she started. This was not going to go as I planned. "Zayn, my boyfriend already asked me, then he's going to drive me home afterwards." she finished.

I felt my heart crack into tiny little pieces, shattering in my chest and stared at her with wide eyes. This is not the reply I was hoping for, not at all.

"Sorry." she whispered to me giving me another hug and walking away to her next class.

I don't know what to feel anymore.

All of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder, I tuned around, and it was Harry. I turned my frown into a fake smile, and tried to act like I was ok, but I really wasn't at all.

"So?" he asked me as he gave me a playful punch to the shoulder.

I never replied, and just walked away leaving him unanswered.

-End of flashback-

I just stood there, with my jaw hung open wide, and my eyes wide keeping my self from filling them with tears.

So Aria hurt me again. Or was she lying?

I saw the look in her eyes before she left, and I decided that I would run after her.

I walked out of the bathroom and Harry and some other friends of mine were winking and whistling.

"Did you kiss her?" Harry said, and as I did before, left him unanswered as I walked around the house searching for Aria, but there was no sign of her anywhere in this crowd of hot, sweaty bodies. I doubt she went up to her room when there was a party going on, cause that would be the first place I'd check.

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