Amnesia One shot

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My head hurt and I don't remember anything. I opened my eyes and saw doctors all around me.

"He is awake, we must tell Viggo" said a man. 

I sat up and saw a doctor run off to go get this Viggo guy. 

"You're lucky my brother wants you alive" said the man. 

"Uh, who are you" I asked. 

The man was shocked. 

"What" asked the man. 

"He probably lost all his memory. He hit his head pretty hard" said a doctor. 

"Just perfect" said the man. 

A doctor looked at me. 

"Do you remember your name" asked a doctor. 

I thought for a bit. I can't remember anything. 

"No" I said. 

The door opened and another doctor and another man entered. 

"Nice to see are alive Hiccup" said the other man. 

"Is, is that my name" I asked. 

The other man was confused. 

"The doctors said he might have forgot everything" said the first man. 

"Well, that is to be expected. He hit his head pretty hard out there today. Perhaps it will come back with a few days of rest" said the second man. 

"Possible, he might just need to see something familiar" said a doctor. 

"Well for now there is lot's to catch him up on. To start I'm Viggo and he is my brother Ryker" said the second man. 

"How do we know each other" I asked. 

"You're married" said Ryker. 

I was shocked by this. I'm, I have a husband? 

"WHAT" I yelled. 

"Come on brother, don't go giving the poor guy a heart attack as well. Hiccup, we aren't married. Now yes I'm gay but we never dated before. We are business partners" said Viggo. 

"Oh, good" I said as I relaxed. 

I am both relieved and disappointed. I do wonder if I'm in a relationship though. 

"Now that Hiccup is awake is he allowed to leave" asked Viggo. 

"Ya, but he should rest. So no dangerous stuff" said a doctor. 

"I'll make sure he stays safe" said Viggo. 

We left the hospital and started to walk around the village. 

"Are you remembering anything yet" asked Viggo. 

I looked around. Nothing is bringing any memories back. 

"No, did I always have one leg" I asked. 

"No, you lost it during a dragon attack a while back" said Viggo. 

"Oh, what about my family" I asked. 

"I'm not sure, we never really talked about your family. Probably because you ran away" said Viggo. 

That's good to know. 

"Where do I live" I asked. 

"You travel a lot so you don't have a home on the island. You've been staying with me for the past few days. Of course we can always build you a home if you want to stay here" said Viggo. 

"That's probably a good idea" I said. 

We made it to Viggo's house. 

"So I lost my leg in a dragon attack" I asked. 

"Yes, we talked about this already" said Viggo. 

"Then what about the dragons outside" I asked. 

"Not all dragons are bad. It's the wild dragons you need to worry about. We trap dragons and force them to work for us" said Viggo. 

"So we are mean to dragons" I said. 

That can't be right. It feels wrong. 

"It's not mean Hiccup, it's nature" said Viggo. 

"But it's wrong. Why do we harm dragons" I asked. 

Viggo walked up to me and wrapped his arm around me. 

"Hiccup, do you lamb, fish, or fruit" asked Viggo. 

I tried to think. I assume I do. 

"I think so, but what does that have to do with anything" I asked. 

"Animals and plants don't want to be eaten. It's survival of the fittest" said Viggo. 

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