Chapter 6

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Everyone was shocked. My father was also angry and extremely confused. I thought he would be happy to have grand children. Although to be fair he would probably prefer it not be with Viggo.

"But Hiccup can't concieve. We tried" said Astrid.

"I think it's that rare condition" said Gobber.

"And what rare condition would that be" asked my dad.

"Uh, can we talk in private dad? It's kinda personal body issues" I said.

"Alright, every one else leave" said my dad.

The gang left and it was just Gothi, me, Gobber, and my dad.

"There is a rare condition were men can become pregnant. Hiccup can't make others pregnant but he can become pregnant" said Gobber.

"Alright, but how is Viggo the father" asked my dad.

"Uh, you're not upset" I asked.

"I can't argue with how the Gods made your body. Plus I want grandkids. So I will just have to accept it" said my dad.

"Oh, well um, you see" I said nervously.

How do I have the talk with my father? I don't know how to explain that I had sex with someone. I would rather confess to wetting the bed. Whether it's pee or cut would be better then this.

"You had sex I assume" said my dad.

"Yes" I said nervously.

"Well, for now go home and rest" said my dad.

I went home and told the gang that I was pregnant and will explain later. I went up to my room and relaxed in my bed. Nine months of being pregnant. This is going to be interesting. I slept till Astrid woke me up.

"Hiccup I know you are resting but I got a letter from the wingmaidens. The dragon hunters attacked their island and they need help so the gang and I are going and we need to protect the edge" said Astrid.

"Okay, just let me satle up Toothless" I said standing up.

"No, you aren't going" said Astrid.

"And why is that" I asked crossing my arms.

"Hiccup you are pregnant. I know it's only the early stages but still. You have to rest. What if the dragon hunters attack and cause you to have a miscarriage" asked Astrid.

"Astrid please, I need to go. I can rest at the edge and the dragon trappers will be gone by the time we get there" I said.

Astrid signed.

"Fine, but I'm not responsible for anything. And you should tell your dad" said Astrid.

I agreed and told my dad. I only said I'm heading back to the edge and promised I will rest. Gothi also gave me book on the pregnance and what to eat and stuff. We left and made it to the wingsmaiden island.

"Thank the Gods you are here" said Atali.

"What did they want" asked Heather.

"We don't know. It was more like a hit and run. They only destroyed buildings. Ryker said he wanted to find Hiccup" said Atali.

"Did he say why" I asked.

"No, he just said you were in Viggo's hut last night and there was weird moans and screams. He demands to know what happened but Viggo won't tell him" said Atali.

I froze and tried not to blush as I remembered the stuff that happened. Viggo was better then Astrid. Wait but that means Ryker heard us. He heard Viggo go down on me. That is so embarrasing.

"Was anyone injured in the attack" asked Astrid as she tried to change the subject.

I'm sure she will ask about last night later.

"No, I think they just want your guys attention. They might attack more villages. We should make sure they are okay and warn them" said Atali.

"Why would Ryker want Hiccup though? I mean aside from him being the leader of us" said Ruffnut.

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