Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning and went to see the gang at the club house.

"Hey gang" I said as I entered.

"Dang it Tuffnut won the bet" said Ruffnut annoyed.

"Uh what" I asked.

Thor what did those two.......special people do now?

"The twins made a bet about what happened to you" said Snotlout.

"When did you get back anyway" asked Heather.

"Last night, I didn't want to wake any one" I said.

"So Viggo actually let you leave with out anything" asked Astrid.

"Well" I said nervously rubbing the back of my neck.

The gang was silent. I put my hand down and took a deep breath.

"Mala and Throk were there and saw Viggo kiss me on the lips" I said with my eyes closed.

The twins were shocked, Astrid nearly choked on her food, Heather dropped the plate she was about to put on the table, Snotlout was shocked and then burst out laughing, and Fishlegs almost fainted and screamed. I open my eyes and stared at the gang.

"Wait, Viggo kissed you" asked Fishlegs.

"Ye....yes" I stuttered.

"Why would he do that, that's Astrid's job" said Snotlout.

He has a point.

"Yes I know. It was so sudden and we won the last game" I said sadly.

"Wait so you and Viggo won and you brought nothing back with you" asked Tuffnut.

Chicken spoke.

"I didn't say...why does that matter" I asked a little angry.

"Then where is the prize, unless Viggo kissing you is the prize" said Ruffnut.

I signed annoyed and left the club house.

"What crawled up his tunic" asked Tuffnut.

I walked to the stables with Toothless following me. Some reason I can't get that kiss out of my mind. I mean I never felt that way with Astrid when we kissed but I still enjoyed all of them. I'm not gay. I like girls and some one can't just become gay I am not bisexual. I am straight and like girls. They are, girls and Astrid is the one for me. Not....Viggo. I signed and sat at the edge with my feet dangling off the edge. Astrid landed on Stormfly and sat next to me.

"Hey, you skipped breakfast" said Astrid setting a plate of food on my lap.

"I wasn't that hungry" I lied.

"Hiccup" said Astrid annoyed. 

"Astrid I can't get the kiss out of my head. It has to mean something and I don't see how you are okay with it" I said looking at her.

"Hiccup it was just a kiss. It could of been from the excitement of winning. We never really see Viggo happy so maybe it's normal for him to kiss who ever is closet to him and besides, remember when I said I would kiss Snotlout on the lips back when you and Fishlegs made the terror mail" asked Astrid.

I smiled and did a small laugh.

"Ya, you still didn't do that" I said.

"Look my point is I was thinking about what I said and I couldn't get it out of my head for a year" said Astrid.

"How did you get rid of it" I asked.

"I just moved on. Plus I know Snotlout is not my type. He's too much of a" Astrid started.

"Fuckboy" I said interrupting her.

"I was gonna say womanizer but yes" said Astrid.

We sat in silence. Astrid stood up.

"I'm gonna go check on the gang and you better eat that plate of food I brought you" said Astrid getting on Stormfly.

"I will, thank you Astrid" I said looking back at her.

She flew off. I turned back to the sea and started eating breakfast. 

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