Chapter 8

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"It would probably be easier that way. I hope he doesn't do that" said Astrid.

We talked about it till we made it to the defenders of the wing. We landed and found Mala.

"It's always great to see you but might I ask what you are doing here" asked Mala.

"We think the dragon trappers might attack you guys. They already attacked the wingmaidens" said Astrid.

Mala wasn't surprised.

"We know, they sent a terror mail saying that Ryker wants Hiccup" said Mala.

I still don't know why.

"We of course we refused to help so the dragon trappers could be on their way here" said Mala.

We helped the defenders prepare and unsurprisingly Ryker showed up.

"This is your last chance. Hand over Hiccup Haddock or I will have my men destroy this place" said Ryker.

I frowned and ran up to him as Astrid tried to stop me.

"What do you want Ryker" I asked.

"My brother is looking for you" said Ryker.

"Okay, where is here" I asked.

"At home. He doesn't know I came looking for you" said Ryker.

"Why are you looking for me" I asked.

"I want to know what happened in my brothers tent" said Ryker.

I froze. What do I say? Do I tell him? Will he be okay with me carrying his niece or nephew which ever it is?

"Uh" I said.

Does he even know that Viggo is gay?

"Well, there is something you should know about your brother" I said nervously.

Hopefully Viggo doesn't hate me for telling.

"I know my brother is gay. I've seen the nude paintings in his room. The entire fleet knows. Viggo doesn't care to hide it" said Ryker.

I now wonder if Viggo had a boner while I was there. Now that I think about it something was popping out when I begged to get the cure for Astrid. I bet Viggo only poisoned her to get rid of the competition.

"Oh, well. We, did it" I said nervously.

Ryker froze in shock. I waited a minute. He was still frozen.

"Uh, hello" I said.

Ryker was still frozen. Mala walked up to us.

"What happened" she asked.

"He just froze in shock" I said.

"Oh, we have ways to unfreeze him. We will put him in a cell after" said Mala.

They took Ryker away.

"What did you say to him" asked Astrid.

"Just that Viggo and I did it" I said.

"Guess he wasn't excepting that. Does he know about the baby" asked Astrid.

"No, he froze before I could tell him. I don't even know if I should tell him he is going to be a uncle" I said.

"Well you have to tell him. Eventually. He's going to find out one day" said Astrid.

"I know, I just don't know how to tell him. What if he doesn't accept the baby" I asked.

"I don't know, we should tell him later. Have you thought about telling your dad" asked Astrid.

"I already did. Or Gobber did because Gothi somehow knew. Then I had the uncomfortable talk with my dad" I said.

"Well we should talk to Viggo. He can't be a trapper if he plans to raise this baby" said Astrid.

"I know, I just need some time alone to think" I said.

I left to went to the woods. I feel a little tired. I sat down by a tree and tried to think. Viggo and I are now having a child. How am I suppose to tell the others? I laid down and took a little nap in the woods.

Viggo X HiccupWhere stories live. Discover now