What If Vigcup Idea

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"HICCUP" Viggo yelled as he entered my house.

I opened my eyes and saw I fell asleep at my desk. I sat up and wiped the drool off my hand as Viggo came up to my room.

"Hey, when did you get here" I asked still a little tired.

"Noon" said Viggo.

"But it's only about 10" I said.

I looked out the window and saw it was actually sunset.

"I must of fell asleep longer then I thought" I said.

Viggo chuckled.

"Even cute boys like you need beauty sleep" said Viggo.

I blushed and stood up.

"Ya, anyway I'm pretty hungry so I'm going to make dinner. Do you want anything" I asked.

"Well besides you, how about we make lamb chops tonight" said Viggo.

"Sounds great" I said trying to hide the blush.

Viggo and I have been dating for a few months now. Everyone knows and is completely okay with it. Now Viggo and I haven't done the "stuff" yet but we do flirt a lot sometimes. I swear this guy likes making me blush.

Viggo and brother Ryker are the sons of the chief of the dragon hunters. They help the village in our fight against dragons. We give them the supply of dragons to hunt and they help protect us from wild dragons.

Viggo and I went down stairs to the kitchen. Viggo and I cook together sometimes. I love his cooking. Viggo is a master of a lot of things. How I managed to be so lucky with him as a boyfriend I have no idea.

"So, kill any dragons while I was gone" asked Viggo.

"No, I'm still working on it. I made a device that can throw a rope for me" I said.

"As lovely as that is you can't always have it on you. I should teach you how to kill dragons. You need the training" said Viggo.

"I know, it's just so hard. They breath fire. Plus at theirs rate with my bad fighting I will never be chief of Berk. At least not for long. Someone would be head me" I said.

Viggo grabbed my hand.

"Hiccup" said Viggo.

I looked at Viggo. His eyes are so perfect and sexy. They are the perfect color of brown.

"You need to have more faith in yourself" said Viggo.

"I know, it's just so hard. You're the only one who loves me" I said.

We went back to cooking.

"I'm sure that's not true. You have your father" said Viggo.

"I don't know, I think he is too busy being disappointed" I said.

"That doesn't mean he doesn't love you. Stoick is a chief which means he has high expectations for his son. Believe me I know what that is like. My mother still thinks me being gay is just a phase or wanting attention" said Viggo.

"Are your parents getting divorced because of us" I asked.

"No, they were always arguing. Even when I was five. I still remember that one night they were fighting while I had a cold so my brother came to keep me company" said Viggo.

We both have family issues. Viggo's parents if they ever loved each other don't anymore. When I first met his parents as his boyfriend Ryker was okay with it and said I might learn some dragon hunting from Viggo.

Their father was happy to see his son happy and even though we are both boys he has made it clear that he isn't ready for grandchildren yet. The mother however Viggo did warn me demands everyone is straight and there is no way a son of hers would ever be a gay.

Then Viggo introduced me as his boyfriend and his mother cried. All night she cried until she fell asleep and then the next morning decided that either it's a phase or I'm gender confused and must of been born a girl.

"Anyway on a more cheerful note I am here for a few weeks. Anything special we can do before I leave" asked Viggo.

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