Chapter 1

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He walk through the doors of hell (school). High school, go fuck yourself.
He hear my name from across the hall.

"Richie!" A red headed girl runs towards me and stops a foot away. "What's up trashmouth!"

"Hey Bevvy boo, my cute ginger girl." He say in a preppy girl accent. She flips him off. "Hurt" He puts his hand on his chest and did a dramatic gasp. She smiles.

They start walking to Stan's locker, not to far from Richie's. "Stan the man!" He came up behind Stanley putting an arm around his neck.

"Get off me Richie." Stan pushes him off.

"Fun killer." He say under my breath. Soon enough Ben, Bill, and Mike comes up behind us. (Mike wanted to finish off high school in public school). "Aye, looky looky what we have. Hay stack, big Bill, and homeschool."

"Richie, I'm not homeschooled anymore." Mike crossed his arms.

"Sorry mom, but the nickname sticks." Richie says in a baby voice.

"Has anyone talked to Eddie?" Bill ask. Eddie has stopped talking to them after the IT incident. So they hadn't had much time to talk to him.

"Yeah I call him all the time." Richie says. It's true Richie and his relationship haven't gone fully downhill when he left the losers club. But it still doesn't feel like how it was before.

"I d-d-do once in aw-while." Bill stutters out.

"Same, at least once a week." Stanley says.

"I try but he is always doing homework, or hanging out with these new friends of his." Bev looks down. She misses hanging out with the germaphobic boy. They all do. It pains Richie to hear Eddie has new friends. What if he likes them better then Richie, what if he thinks they to much of losers for him. Richie thinks of all the worse things that could fully end their friendship.

"Why don't we hangout with him tomorrow. It is Saturday tomorrow." Mike says.

"Yeah I can do tomorrow. We can do my house." Ben says sweetly.

"Sounds like a plan!" Stanley smiles. "Rich, you call him later."

"Got it bird boy." Richie finger guns to him. Stanley rolls his eyes.

The bell rings.

"Ok I'm off to class, bye losers!" Bev walks away and Ben follows. Ben has a huge crush of Bev, it's pretty obvious.
Everyone else goes to their classes. And Richie followed.

Hi everyone. First chapter! Hope you all like it. I'll put trigger warnings on each chapter if there is something triggering. Also this book won't have any smut! Hope you enjoy

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