Chapter 6

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Richie is off to school. Wohoo! That was sarcasm by the way. Today feels like a good day for Richie. Like he actually wanted to wake up and go to school. That's a surprise. He guesses He just wanted to get out of the house. It's been very weird lately.

One minute his parents are giving me cookies and hugs, the next their beating him up (his dad). His mom silently abuses Richie. She wanted a girl let's just say. And Richie doesn't fit her look of a perfect child. She's really sweet it's just sometimes she remembers what she didn't get. He still loves her though. She's better then his dad.

Anywho he gets to school, a breeze of the smell of sweaty teenagers who don't put on deodorant in the morning hits his face. He scrunched up his nose. He opens his locker and throws his books in. The locker slams shut. Richie looks to see Beverly Marsh.

"Heya there Molly Ringwald." He winks at her.

"Hey trashmouth." She says rolling her eyes. "Ready for that social studies test we have today?"


"Yeah, of course. I'm going to ace this test on..." He pauses.. "the Black Plague?" He adjusted his glasses.

"You forget to study didn't you?"

"Yeah, but im good at school anyways. I never failed a test in the last three years. Im an honors kid." He says. School just comes easy to Richie. He doesn't need to pay attention and He still passes, and he doesn't cheat.

"Let's get to class nerd."

"First of all, im not a nerd. Ben is." He argues.

"Tell that to your glasses and Hawaiian shirts." She laughs and starts walking to her class.

"It's not nerdy! It's cool!" Richie yells to her while she walks away.

Surprise Richie passed the test. "And that's how you get a 95 boys." He places it on the lunch table.

"Ok put your test away, let's talk about, Eddie." Stanley said.

"Wait why, Eddie?" Richie asked.

"It's about what happened the other night." Mike asked.

"What's wrong. He was just hanging out with his new friends." That hurt Richie to say. Saying 'New friends' Makes him want to puke.

"I get it he's in different classes, and doesn't want to be reminded of the past, but it still hurts that he's been ignoring us." Ben says.

"E-Exactly, it's like h-he do-doesn't care about us. We a-are only there f-for ba-back up friends." Bill stutters. Are they his back up friends? Does he actually care about them? Did he ever care about them? About Richie?

"Maybe it's the school work. You know he has a few honors classes. My cousin is in honors classes and she gets essays everyday." Stanley says.

"That's true. But also I hate that he ignores us. I don't mind him hanging out with others, but the thing is he's not putting anytime in for us." Bev says. "This is the first time I've seen him in months."

"What if we start hanging out with him and his friends. Then we are all friends and we can all hang out." Mike throws out the idea.

"That's a great idea Mike! Great thinking." Stanley says. "Richie call him after school."

"Of course it's me, again." He mumbles under his breath.


He throws his bike down in my garage. He walks inside his house to see, nothing? Not nothing, but there's no bottles, no smoke smell, no shattered glass. Absolutely nothing. Richies confused. He walks further into the house. A smell, is that cookies? He walks into the kitchen to see his dad sitting at the island with a newspaper.

"Hey Rich, how is my number one child?" What the actual fuck.

"Um I'm good dad." He responded back. "Is that cookies I smell?"

"Yes it is. Chocolate chip!" He smiles. That's the first time Richie seen him smile in years. "They will be ready in 5 minutes."

"Okay, thanks dad." He gives him a warm smile. "I'm going to put my bag down upstairs." Richie walks out and up the stairs. He walks into his room with folded clean clothes on his dresser. Now his mom is doing laundry? This is so fricken weird. Hid mom never does the laundry. Richie swear the other day his dad wanted to kill Richie, now he's making Richie cookies.

Richie puts down his stuff, and did what every good kid would do... shove the clean folded clothes in the draws. After doing that, he went up to the phone and called Eddie.
The phone rings.

"Hello?" The squeaky voice of Eddie answered.

"Hiya there Ed's, want to float?" Richie says in a scary clown voice.

"Fuck you Richard!" Eddie screamed into the phone.

"What... how did you know it is me?"

"Because we killed that clown awhile ago, and your voices are easy to pick out."

Richie can't believe it's been exactly 2 years ago. They were only 13 when it happened.

"Anywho, me and the losers want to meet your friends-"

"The losers and I."


"You said me and the losers. The correct way to say that is, the losers and I."

"I don't give a shit about grammar." Richie says. "So what about next weekend?"

"Um sure but it dep-"

"Ok, great, sounds like a plan. See you then spaghetti!" He hangs up quickly. Why is Richie so nervous.

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