Chapter 2

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The end of the day. It finally came! Richie walks out of the school. He walked over to the bike rack and grab his bike. He jumps on and start to ride home.

He gets to his house and sees no one home. As usual. His dad works at a dentist and never home, and my mom doesn't work, so she's always getting drunk at a bar. Perfect family, am I right. Richie puts his bike in the garage. He gos up to the front door and put his keys in the lock. He twist the keys and heard for the click. He then pushed open the door. The smell of cigarettes and all different types of alcohol hits his face. He scrunch his nose. Gross. He walks in the living room to see glass bottles on the coffee table. He sighs and clean it up. He throw out the empty bottles, and put away the full ones.

He walks upstairs to his room. He places his backpack next to his desk. He picks up the phone hanging on the wall, and dials a number.

"Hello?" A squeaky boys spoke.

"Heya Ed's."

"Oh, hi Rich."

"So Benny boy is having us over, do you want to come?"

"Sure!" Eddie smiles on the other side of the phone.

"Great, well, I'll see you there." There was a pause.

..."Yeah, Ok, bye." Eddie hangs up.

That was weird, Richie thought. Yesterday he was talking with him for hours.
Richie sat on his bed with a comic book in his hand. He looked at the time. Ugh only five minutes has passed. He dropped his comic on his bed and got up to get something to eat.

I scanned the fridge. Leftovers, pickles, cheese, milk, absolutely nothing. "When has my mom ever gone food shopping?" He mutter to himself. He picked up some leftover pasta and threw it in the microwave. After 2 minutes He takes it out, then he sits on the couch and turn on the tv.

An hour goes by. He hears keys in the door. His eyes shoot up to the door. He grab the plate and throw it in the dishwasher, and then runs upstairs. He locks the door.

"Richard!" The sharp yell of his father's voice rings through the house. "Get your ass down here!" He listens to him and unlock the door carefully. He walks downstairs to the kitchen where his father stands.

"Ye-yes sir?" Richie doesn't make eye contact with him.

"What are you doing?" Wentworth, his father crossed his arm.

"N-nothing sir." Richie stuttered.

"I'm having guest over in an hour, I want this house to be cleaned." He said. "And you" he pointed at Richie "you will be up in your room all night. Got it?" He inches closer to him. "GOT IT?"

"Ye-yes sir." My eyes start to water from the stink of his breath. Richie looks down. His dad walks out of the kitchen and upstairs to his room. Richie sighs and take the cleaning supplies from under the sink. He starts to do the thing He hates the most, crying.

Richie finishes cleaning up all of downstairs. He mostly just shoved everything in a draw. When he was younger, everything used to be different. His dad was always so nice to him. He was the best dad in the world. A few years later his parents started to get into fights with each other. The only solution they though to help them, was to drink.

Richie puts everything away and gos up to his room. He takes out a comic and start to read. He hears feet stomping everywhere downstairs. The guest are here. He hears loud talking from downstairs. There is probably over ten people down there. Who would want to be friends with HIS dad?

An hour passes by. And he had read five comics. He then hears a knock on his window. He looked to the window to see a tall brunette with curly spaghetti hair, he's wearing a blue polo shirt and beige khakis. Stanley Uris, of course. Richie gets up and opens the window to let him in.

"Hey Rich." He says while sitting next to Richie. Stanley looks to the door. "Are you having a party without me?" He giggles. Richie also smiled.

"No, my dad has a few friends over." Richie says.

"A few, sounds like hundreds." Stanley laughs.

"No kidding, I had no idea my dad talks to all these people." Richie says. "So what do you want bird boy?"

"Nothing, I'm just bored."

"Oh that's funny" Richie starts. "because I'm bored also Mr. Jewish kid." He says in a British accent.

"Beep beep Tozier." All the losers beep richie when He go's to far or their annoyed at him. It's just a Richie thing now. He likes it when they do that to him. He just get this happiness feeling.

"Anywho, Stanny Urin, why you not at Billy boys house right now. I thought you love him." Richie says making kissy faces at him. Stanley likes Bill, a whole lot. Stanley never told Richie, but Richie always had a sense that he did.

"You know you have a really punchable face." He smirks. "I don't loVe Bill you idiot."

"Oh I see, you didn't want to go to his house because you knew you'll end up fucking him!" Richie yells.

"That's it, I'm going to fucking kill you!" He jumps on top of Richie, and they play fight. "Fuck you!" Stanley yells.

"Wow Stan, Im flattered, but your not my type." Richie smirks. He screams and try's to strangle Richie. "Stanley get off of me!" He yells. He stops and gets off. "I'm a top." Richie smirks and jumps on top of him, play fighting him. After awhile of pulling each other's hair, They hear loud footsteps coming upstairs. Richies heart stoped. "Stanley you need to leave." Richie said pushing him off himself.

"Why, what's wrong?" Stanley questioned.

"Nothing! Nothings wrong just it's getting late, and you probably need to be home now. So see you tomorrow Stanny." He took a step out the window and Richie threw his bag to him. He closed the window and shut the shades. Then there was a loud knock at the door.

"Richard open this damn door right now!" The man yelled. He opened the door and the tall man stepped into his room. "Now what did I tell you before?"

"Sorry dad, I was on the phone with my friend." He looked down.

"Look at me while you talk to me!" Richie looked up with tears in his eyes. "Now your going to stay quite, alright?" The man said.

"Ye-yes sir." He said quietly. He slapped Richie hard on my cheek.
That's going to leave a small bruise.

"What was that!"

"Yes sir!" Richie spoke up. Wentworth put on a evil smile and walked out. Richie fell on his bed and cried myself to sleep.

Hey, hope you all enjoying. Anyways sorry it's not going to be the most cuddly reddie fanfic, but it doesn't mean that there's not going to be any cute little chaotic moments. Love you all :)

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