Chapter 5

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Tw: mentions on abuse and bruises

Richie sat on his bed, replaying the same moment from earlier. Eddie, he's so beautiful.

Richie throws his bike onto the street. He walks up to the kissing bridge. He scans the bridge, looking for a clean spot to carve. He kneels down. He takes his pocket knife out and presses into the wood of the bridge. He carves "R+E" on the bridge. Richie and Eddie.
Richie Tozier is in love, with Eddie Kaspbrak.
I smile at the thought of him.

"Richie, honey! Come down for dinner." His mom yells from downstairs. He gets up and walks downstairs to the dining room. He sat down. His dad and mom sat also. It's like a normal family. Weird. It hasn't been like this for years. He starts to eat his dinner.

"So, what did you do today?" His father asked.

"Nothings much." Richie shrugs, with the thought of how Richie and his best friend almost kissed.

"What's the problem hun?" His mom says In a sweet voice.

"Nothing, everything's fine." He says looking at the food. His parents looked at each other.

"Richard, we heard what happened at the arcade." His dad says. He looks up knowing that He's in trouble. He looks at Richie in the eyes with a disappointed face, Hid mom rubbed my back with her hand. He felt a warm feeling. A new feeling.

He flinched when she touched one of the bruises from Henry on his back. His mom had a concerned face on. Hud mom is real sweet. It's his father who is the devil. His mom probably bribed him to just sit at the table with Richie.

"Higher! Higher!" A young Richie yells.

"Your going as high as you can." His mom giggles while pushing her son on the swing. Richie smiles. The wind going threw his hair. He felt alive.

"Haha, alright you two, time to go home it's getting late." Richies dad laughed. Maggie, Richies mom stoped the swing and took him off the swing.

"10 more minutes, please." Richie begged.

"No, we got to get home before the boogie monster gets us." Wentworth picked Richie up swinging him around while they both laugh.

"I'll go make you a warm bath." Maggie says getting up from the table. Richie nods. Hid dad takes a seat next to Richie.

"I'm sorry, about yesterday. I was just annoyed you were loud. I shouldn't have yelled at you." Wentworth talked in a robot voice. he was definitely forced to say this.

"Thank you for the apology." Richie responded without making eye contact, and got up from his seat.

His dad changed a lot from when He was 8 to now when He's 15. They don't get along anymore. They used to, but after awhile his mom and his dad got into fights. The fights started to get worse over the years. Sometimes it gets physical. His mom started to become an alcoholic. So did his dad. And Richie started to get into fights, and started to smoke.

Richie goes upstairs to the bathroom. Hid mom has set up bath for him. She was still in there, looking through the cabinet for stuff.

"Hey, there you are buby." She says with a smile. "I want to fix up those bruises on your back. Can to sit down and take your shirt off for me?" Richie obeys. She gasped at the huge bruise on his back from where Henry kicked me. She cleans up the scratches and bruises. "Ok now go hop in. It will help you heal." She says walking out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Richie strips down and gets in the bath. When the water hits my skin, it makes the scratch's and cuts sting a little. But after awhile, it helps.

I know, it's weird Richies mom is helping him with his bruises, but it's also really kind. She is showing that she cares. Let's hope this is a new beginning for the Tozier family

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