High School (Time Skip)

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I am now in high school with my best friend Luke. I haven't seen Jack in forever. I am now 15 and Luke is 16. We are both 11th grade and are honor students. As I got my books out from my locker, a jock named Tyler walked up to me and shut my locker.

        "Hey Crystal." Tyler pushed me up against the locker and forcefully kissed me.

        "Get off of me!" I pushed him off and wiped my mouth.

        "Hey leave her alone." Luke stood in front of me in his footbal uniform.

       Tyler walked away and winked at me. Luke turned around and hugged me.

        "How are you today best friend?" Luke let go off me and took off his helmet.

        "Well, aside from getting slobber on my face, my day is going good! Can you stay after school so we can finish our science project?" I asked.

        "Sure. Meet me in the library I need to get a couple books to study. Study buddy?" Luke smiled at me.

        "Yeah I'll be your study buddy. See you later alligator." I responded as the bell rang.

        "Okay burrito." Luke ran off as he ran to the football field for p.e.

        We know each other school schedule just in case there is an emergency or something. I have 4 periods with Luke. Math, Science, History, and English. I have Spanish right now and Luke is studying French. I walked in my Spanish class and my friend Jessica walked up to me.

        "Hey girl!" Jessica jumped up and danced around.

        Let me give you a quick background of Jessica. She is the happiest girl on the face of earth! She loves to dance, laugh, she is very social, and not only that, but she is one of the best comforters ever. She see's someone upset, even though she doesn't know them, she goes and makes sure they feel better by the end of the school day.

        "Hey Jes." I laughed at Jessica by her silly acts.

        "You should really try dancing. It is so much fun!" Jessica hip rolled and spinned herself.

        "Maybe next time Jes. Did you study?" I questioned her.

        "For the test? Yes I did." Jessica sat down next to me.

        Jessica is a hard working student. She is always trying her best and is looking foward to being a Science Engineer someday. 

        "Alright class, please take a seat and take out a pencil to write with for the test." My teacher, Mr. Garrado said.

        I took off everything off of my desk except for a pencil.

        "Goodluck!" Jessica patted my back and began her test.

        As I was halfway through my test, something caught my foot and made me jump a bit. Oh, it was just my backpack strap. As I took off the strap from my foot, my teacher came from behind and scared me.

        "Focus Crystal." Mr. Garrado snapped at me.

        The bell rang and I had finished my last question. I turned it in and headed to lunch. I always sat with Luke with the rest of the jocks. I am the only girl in the table. All the guys accept me in their group, but Tyler is the one who is trying to get with me.

        "Hey babe." Tyler smacked my butt.

        "I am not your babe." I slapped Tyler across the face.

        I didn't want Luke to see because he would want to get in a fight with Tyler. I sat down next to Luke and his friend Kyle. Kyle is Lukes best guy friend. They always threw food at each other and picked on me playfully. I ate my food while listening to 5 Seconds of Summer.

        "You sure love that band." Luke looked at me then at my phone.

        "Yup. Hey, I'll see you in Math class. I am going to the library." I gather my things and fixed my skirt.

        "No wait I am going!" Luke took his last bite and drink from his food and ran up the school stairs to catch up to me.

        "I see you need books too as well from the library." I chuckled.

        "Not until after school. I just want to be with you." Luke blushed and his dimples showed.

        I gasped silently and smiled to myself by what he told me. I read checked out the Shane Dawson book with my school ID and left the library with Luke. As we headed to math class, Luke hugged me out of no where.

        "Luke? Are you on your period?" I giggled.

        "Nope. Just needed a warm hug." He kissed the top of my head.

        He let go and sat down on his assigned seat. Wow, that's the first. I was always Luke's partner because we were really close and never really communicated with the rest of the students. As the school day ended, Luke and I headed back to the library to finish our Science Project.

        "Hey Mrs. Loth!" I greeted and waved.

        I am always greeting every teacher to show I actually like school and I do to be honest. Luke and I got the supplies we needed and worked right away on the projects. There are two parts to this project. The project is to create two planets and write a whole essay on it. While most people will be choosing Earth and Mars, we chose Venus and Neptune. Most students will also be drawing the planets out on paper while Luke and I will be creating the planets out of clay. We are such over achievers.

        "This is turning out pretty good!' Luke mentioned.

        "Of course it is! We are putting tons of effort into it." I grinned.

        "Listen, I was wondering if you'd like to go to the movies after school on Friday?" Luke shrugged his shoulders and flinched.

        "Haha, I would love to." I smiled and focused back on the project.

        It was a quarter passed three and we headed home. Luke still lived with me and my mom explained the whole situation when we were kids and she was still allowed to let Luke to live with us. As we arrived to our house, Luke spun me around and looked at me. He sighed and frowned.

        "What's wrong?" I poked Lukes stomach.

        "Next year we will be seniors and the next thing you know, we will be going our seperate ways." Luke gazed into my eyes.

        "Don't you remember? Which ever college you go, I'll go to and we will share dorms." I touched Lukes cheeks.

        "Okay." Luke smiled and sighed once more.

        We started our homework and helped each other out. We always argued back and forth who has the right answer when we don't get the same answer on a problem. We always call out Jake for him to tell us who is right and who is wrong and why.

        We decided we'd study at home while cuddling under a fort. We quizzed each other and made sure we had each bit of information attached to our brains. I eventually fell asleep and Luke brought out blankets for the both of us. He set his alarm and covered me with the same blanket.

        "You are falling for her aren't you?" Jake teased.

        "I don't know bro. I think I am, but I don't want to break our friendship." Luke looked at me and frowned a bit.

        "Don't worry little brother. Things will be alright." Jake left and headed to his room.

        Luke set his alarm and went to sleep while holding me in his arms.

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