Handsome Luke!

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I woke up at 5:30 and I usually wake up at 6:30. I met my mom in the kitchen to eat breakfast.

  "Your father is going to work today. You will continue to come and leave on the bus. I will not be home, so the key will be inside the green plant okay? Your aunt will come an hour after you come home. Love you sweetie. Your bus comes exactly at 7:30. See you later." My mom kissed me goodbye and left to work with a bagel in her hand.

  I finished my cereal and turned on the TV. I turned the channel to channel 7 to watch the news.

  "Today in America has turned into a tragic death for a 6 year old boy with a devestated family. The mother of the 6 year old 1st grader said she was preparing dinner last night for her 4 boys and 2 daughters when she heard a scream from her son Billy who in this case is the 6 year old boy. Her husband and she walked in Billy room only to find him cut in fourths and blood all over his wall. His head was hanging on his fan while his fan was moving around in circles. The upset mother said there was a writing on the wall that has been written in blood. It read, " Did you check if your back door was locked?" The husband checked his back door to only find it unlocked. The funeral of the young boy will be a close casket and will be held at the Memorial Cemetary. Watch over your children tonight and keep them close. We will be back after the following."

  The TV went straight to commercial. Wow, poor kid. Maybe he comes to my school and we have the same class. I walked to my dads room and he was ready to leave as well.

  "Have fun at school sweetie. No problems okay? Love you." My dad hugged me and shut the door after the left.

  I headed to my room to change for school. I picked out a blue polka dot dress with black flats. I combed my hair and tied it into a high pony tail with a blue ribbon.

  "You look beautiful Crystal!" Laughing Jack jumped and sat down on my tea party set.

  "Thank you. Care for tea and cookie?" I served actual tea with a almond cookie.

  "Why yes. Splendid day today isn't it?" Jack began to speak fancy.

  "Indeed." I sipped my cup of tea and laughed for half an hour with Jack.

  The bus was coming in five minutes and I grabbed my backpack.

  "I'll shall be going Mr.Jack." I bowed and slipped on my gloves.

  "I will see you later Mrs. Crystal. Have a swell day at school." Jack gave me a hug and disappeared out my window.

  It was a fresh day today, so there was no need for a sweater. I skipped my way to the bus stop and saw Luke.

  "Luke!" I jumped on top of him almost knocking him down.

  "Crystal! Hey, how's it going?" He smirked.

  "It is going quite lovely today. Say, would you care to join me after school for shopping?" I questioned while smiling.

  "Oh, I don't have any money. Sorry." Luke apologized.

  "No need for money Luke. It's on the house." I offered.

  "What does that mean?" Luke tilted his head.

  "It means that I will pay for everything because I am such a nice girl." I moved my eyebrows up and down.

  "Gee, thanks! Here comes spiky boy. His name is Josh by the way." Groaned Luke.

  "Hey there losers." Josh pushed me causing me to push Luke as well.

  "Leave us alone Josh." I pushed him back.

Laughing Jack-Not So Funny After AllWhere stories live. Discover now