Chapter 6

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Ocono 5th, 3327 A.G

  Lord Vraemore rested his head on a bag of grain below the main deck, trying to get some peace and quiet- but as soon as he thought he'd be able to sleep Amery's face flashed through his mind. He'd always preferred him over the other advisors- and had even considered him a friend the last few years of his life, so his death stung. It wasn't as bad as his parent's- since he hadn't spent his entire life with the man, but he could say the grief was was about half as severe in comparison.

  Renard's eyes were too dry for tears now. No matter how much he tried, they just wouldn't flow. He wanted to get it over with so other ship passengers wouldn't see him like that, but it seemed to have been taken care of in the evacuation boat. His pain was now trapped inside, building up as it waited for a way out.

  He tried to get some sleep, but that too was futile. So he sighed and stood up- then nearly came unglued when he looked behind him and Andre Hemin was standing a foot away.

  "One of these days your lack of survival instincts is gonna get you killed." The younger man said, insensitive to what Renard had just gone through. Renard simply raised an eyebrow, unamused. "Oh, you know what I meant. If you can't sense someone sneaking up on you-"

"Not in the mood for a lecture." He interrupted. "Have you ever even lifted a sword before?"

"Many times-" Andre shrugged. "Though I prefer the bow- gets your target dead a lot further away from you."

"And what is a skilled young archer doing captaining a trade ship?" Renard stretched, rolling his right shoulder to remove an ache from laying on it for so long.

"I wasn't interested in protecting people who couldn't protect themselves if it came down to it." Andre replied, a small half smile forming. "And the people I do care about enough to protect for nothing in return- not including Imania- are more skilled than I'll ever be with any weapon."

"I'd like to meet him then." Renard spoke. "Could be useful for my 'lack of survival instincts'."

Andre smirked, sidestepping around Renard to a trunk he hadn't though to pry open. He pulled out two sheathed swords and tossed one Renard's way, which he caught less than an inch from his face.

"Your family's been on that island for a long time." Lord Vraemore cringed at the word. "What makes you think I was talking about a man?"

"There just.... aren't very many women skilled with the sword at house Vraemore." Renard shrugged, remembering the one who'd beat him in front of a hundred people last month.

"I suppose that's still true for most of the world." Andre replied, getting into a fighting stance. Renard stepped back a few paces, readying himself. "But I wouldn't go around underestimating women because of that, especially in Narene."

Renard thrusted his sword forward, but Andre was too quick. He evaded the blade effortlessly and ducked around Renard before he could react, striking him on the back.

"Rule of thumb-" he said. "Assume that someone is trying to murder you from every angle at all times. Because If you're caught off guard for even a second-"

"I'm not completely incompetent, you know." Renard said. "I have survived multiple attempts on my life."

"Haven't we all?" Andre dropped his sword, then just as Renard let his fall to the floor of the rocky ship, leaped onto his back and lightly wrapped an arm around his neck. "Never let yourself get so used to it that you stop expecting it."

"I'm not sure I follow- can you get off of me?" Renard grunted.

"If you are too comfortable with death, it will one day come for you when you think you are safe." Andre replied and removed his arm. "It really tends to grab people by the balls when they're the happiest they've ever been."

"House Vraemore is safe." Renard shrugged. "Our island is one of the only in the world not infested with sand crawlers or ocean dwellers a few dozen paces from shore."

"I wasn't talking about those things-" Andre shuddered. His own encounters had been nothing less than traumatic. "Humans can be just as dangerous if you push them enough... hell, even when you don't they're murderous. Will you be continuing on to house Ashhand or finding a ship back to your 'safe' island?"

Renard weighed his options for a moment. He didn't have the best luck at sea, but he was already on it. What were the odds of two ships sinking on the same trip? He still wanted to provide diplomatic support to the young lady of house Ashhand, whether that was in the form of trade or advice.

"How long will it be before we arrive in Uculia?" Renard had been drilled in many subjects from the time he could walk, but distance-time perception was not one of them- as there were people who'd do that for him on any trip he might take.

"Anywhere from three to five weeks depending on how intense the currents are." Andre replied. "Why?"

"Oh hell-" Renard mumbled. "What's a few extra weeks on top of that? I should see more of the world."

Andre grinned. "I'll make sure to kick one of my men off so you can have one of the private sleeping chambers on the way to Narene. You can take my chambers the next few weeks."

"You are too kind, I couldn't-" Renard started.

"I may be the ship captain, but you are a lord." Andre interrupted. "You may not be my lord, but you still outrank me."


"I've had far worse sleeping arrangements than a cot next to someone else's. Go on- it's getting dark anyways. The days are shorter when you sleep them away and... fill the time with other things." Andre smirked.

Renard furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, but when he did let himself into Andre's chambers an hour later- after stuffing an entire bowl of preserved beef in his mouth, he immediately averted his gaze. A woman a few years older than him stood by the left side of the bed, half dressed.

"I saw them pull you onto the ship." She said in an accent that only could have been Alenian. Renard only recognized it because an advisor of their Commanding lord traveled to House Vraemore a few months ago, but it was so unique he couldn't have forgotten it if he tried. "Even then- with your eyes swollen shut from tears and you hair stuck to your forehead, you were decent to look at."

  "I...thank you? I think?" The dark-haired woman approached him, still half dressed. He gulped. "And what is.... a woman of your beauty doing on a trade ship?"

  "Oh I think you know the answer to that. I have protection here that I wouldn't if I were alone on any of the continents." She answered honestly. "Andre is kind to me."

"Does it not... frighten you? Having nowhere to go and being surrounded by men?" Renard asked. She shook her head.

  "They all know what Andre would do to them if they touched me without my consent." She replied, trailing her fingers down Renard's chest. "That he would hand me a sword at the last second so I could be the one to end their life. I am not a sex servant, lord Vraemore."

  "I didn't mean-"

  "I get to keep all of my coin, get fed and clothed for free- then I have that coin to spend however I wish when we dock. I may leave whenever I wish."

  "But is there-" He sucked in a breathe as her hands traveled under his breeches. "Nothing else... you would...rather.... Do with your life?"

  "Perhaps." The woman admitted. "But I do have a better life than most whores. You get fucked- I get paid. We both get something out of it."

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