Chapter 27

90 13 39

Janor 25th, 3328 A.G

"You really shouldn't have said that to him." Renard replied after Nara'd explained the conflict she had with Lord Beckett. "It will cause worse issues than if you'd just stormed out and as our ally-"

  "Our?" Nara rolled her eyes, turning around as Renard changed into night clothes. "Need I remind you you married into the title you currently hold? You don't have command over Krobanian fighting men. I do. I cannot begin to guess how many times we will have this conversation, but I will say this once only: Our political partnership means nothing to me if you undermine my rule. So when we stand in front of my people, we will present a united front as husband and wife. You will stand lovingly by my side, and if asked to perform daily duties that have been mine since my coronation, you will point them towards me. We will make it clear to the older citizens of Kroba that I am their ruler, not you. As for Lord Beckett, he may start a war if he wishes- though I doubt he'll try once he hears we have Narene as an ally."

Renard stepped around her, having just gotten a nightshirt over his head. As he processed her words, he shook his head in disbelief- then his eyes grew wide.

"So let me get this right-" he sighed. "They are your people and your soldiers alone until you need help retaining their loyalties, then you and I are We, and when 'We' are alone- 'we' go right back to being you and I?"

"Precisely, Husband."

  "And how do you suppose 'We' make Narene 'our' close ally when House's Ashhand and Alymere haven't exactly been the best-"

  "Oh please-" Nara interrupted. "After being around me as long as you have, you can't seriously think I am that stupid. You rode through Narene to get here, right? And when lords of other houses show up unannounced, it is quite common to make deals of some sort since the chance they'll be there again is slim to none, right? So what deals did you make with House Alymere, husband?"

  "It wouldn't matter." He said quietly, avoiding direct eye contact. "The deals I made were on behalf of house Vraemore, not house Ashhand."

  "Mhmn.... And what exactly were those deals?" Nara asked in a threatening tone, still riding her anger from earlier. "After all, dear husband- it doesn't really matter which house you made the deals on behalf of. You made them, and what is yours is mine."



"I....." Renard gulped, side glancing her dagger- which she'd set down on the bedside table. He knew he'd been cornered, so he gave up on trying to hide the deal from her. In one breath, he blurted everything out. "The one I made with their army commander- Avelina, would not be useful to you. I owe her one. But with the one I made with Lord Alymere to have a six month's food stockpile sent to them- he owes me one. Avelina all but implied that... to hold up Lord Alymere's end of the deal... Narene could offer me their Army's support if it was ever necessary."

"How perfect-" Nara sarcastically smiled, chuckling like a mad woman. "We should call on that soon."

"You are tired." Renard calmy replied. "We should discuss army strategies once you've slept. You can have the bed."

"You do not get to tell me what I should and shouldn't do!" Nara tried her hardest not to yawn, but as she spoke- one escaped. "I really thought you would've learned that by now."

"I wasn't trying to-"

"Horse shit." She grabbed her dagger, and Renard immediately recoiled. "Oh calm down- I am not going to stab you yet."

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