WTF Are You Doing?

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Yeah, Sans is in my room.

My messy room.

Oh Fu-
"sweet digs," The small skeleton said, tossing my stuff onto my messy bed.

The mess was mainly clothing and books. However, there was a growing pile of takeout boxes that had been stationed by the doorframe to my room.

Sans seemed content with ignoring the mess though.

After a moment of awkward silence, he let out a long sigh and finally said,
"look, kid, you seem real nice, so could you help me understand why you've been avoiding us since we moved in?"

I blinked in surprise and, for just a moment, considered saying anything but the truth.

The look he was giving me though, was enough to deter any untrue words.

Finally, I huffed out a laugh and said,
"Well, socializing kind of interferes with my plans to be a hermit and invest in me, myself and I."

He stared at me for a long time before finally asking, "that's it?"

I nodded, "That's it."

He took another moment to ponder this information before wishing me a good night and leaving my room.

"g'night neighbor," and then he was gone.

I blinked quizzically at the spot where he had been standing and tried to rationalize his sudden disappearance, but a rational explanation never came.

I was living next to a teleporting skeleton.

While my mind raced with possibilities and information, my body went on autopilot: locking doors and windows, taking a shower, brushing teeth and hair, and finally leading my tired body into bed.

*Rustle rustle*
A noise from the closet awoke me from my slumber.

*BANG* "fuck,"
A louder noise brought me from between the sheets of my bed to stand, fully alert, at the door of my darkened closet.

An opened door and a flipped switch revealed that the closet offender turned out to be Sans, our friendly neighborhood skeleton.

The scene was actually quite comical. The poor skeleton was flipped onto his back with his legs poking over the top of a storage container that I had yet to put away and one of his pink slippers was askew.

When I saw him struggling to get up, the first thing I did was move the container out from underneath his legs.

Then, I hauled a now noticeably drunk skeleton up by his jacket sleeves.

"'s up with youuuu stranger?'" He slurred out while falling face first into my (boobs) chest area.

"Sans," I murmured with a pained expression, "You're drunk as a skunk."

"no, nooooo, 'm jus' fiiine."

He let out a giggle at my peeved expression and said, "do you wanna hearrrr a secret?"

The room suddenly felt heavier; the darkness seemed to grow thicker around the both of us as he uttered his next few words.

"i can shortcut out of my clothing."

And he proceeded to disappear into thin air.

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