The Queen Knows

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Everything from going up the basement stairs to making our way to the couch was a blurred mess of skeletal bodies and talking, but we all eventually made it to that small couch in the center of the living room.

Sans had his flip phone out and was rapidly clicking the buttons; almost assuredly informing the queen of this recent development.

From where I was sitting, I could easily see most of the skeletons who had come through the portal squabbling over seating arrangements.

Then, the couch dipped to my immediate right as one of them sat next to me.

I decided to take a glance at them.

He looked like a punk rock version of my papyrus, with tight fitting leather pants, red, knee high heeled boots, a tight fitting black top with dramatic spiked shoulder pads, clawed red elbow length gloves, serrated teeth, and two long scars over his left eye.

He caught me staring and his perma-glare deepened into a full-on glower.

"What Do You Want," he growled out.

"Don't mind me just watching," popped out of my mouth before I could stop it and his glare turned into a terrifyingly sharp grin.


I blinked at that statement and tried to keep myself from saying something contradictory, because he looked like someone who could tear me limb from limb without so much as blinking, but my sarcastic streak won out and I said, "Oooooh totally."

I poked him in the side of the head and he lurched away from my touch with a renewed glower.


I poked him in the side of the head again.

He turned to face me fully and grabbed my hovering hand forcefully.


Then, before I could stop myself, out came "Ooooooo, you're holding my hand and haven't even taken me on a date. How promiscuous."

The poor skeleton flushed a deep red and spluttered out a string of incomprehensible babble before finally shouting, "WELL I NEVER- YOU- HAND HOLDING IS NOT PROMISCUOUS BEHAVIOR."

"Well how would you know?" I shot back, enjoying how flustered I was making this poor skeleton.

Before he could say anything else, I felt a heavy weight around where my soul was, and found myself being tossed into the wall on the far side of the room.

I felt my back and hip pop a few times from the initial impact, and felt myself slide to the floor as the weight on my soul disappeared.

I looked up and noticed that almost everyone was sporting a flushed or mortified face.

Everyone that is, except for my sans and the Gasters.


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