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Charlie felt scared. She felt scared about everything that had happened with Max. She felt as if he had practically forced himself on her. And it had scared her. Charlie knew how it brought back bad memories.

It brought back the memories of her mums boyfriend. What he had done to her and to Grace. Charlie thought that she had overcome it all. Charlie hated it.

Charlie just wanted to move past it. And she wanted to move on and it wasn't easy.

Charlie sat in her room as grace walked in and looked to her. "Are you okay?" Grace asked.

Charlie looked to her and shock her head. "No. I'm not. Max...he tried to force himself on me. He thought I wanted to. I feel like if I didn't knee him he wouldn't of stopped and it scared me. I mean all I can think about is her ex," Charlie said. 

Grace smiled. "I know. But we have to try and move on. Max is a jerk. He isn't her boyfriend. Maybe we should go and think about seeing someone so that we can get past it all. I know it's not easy. But we can't let this effect us," Grace said.

Charlie looked to her and smiled.


Charlie got to school and sighed. She knew that she was scared to be there. She was scared about Max. And all that was going on and she knew that she didn't want to see him or be near him after all that had happened. And she hated it.

Charlie sat in the common room with Grace. She looked and sighed. "I hate this. I don't even want to be here." Charlie said. 

Grace smiled. "I know, and neither do I. But we are sisters. We are twins and we do this together.  And I know that your head is a mess. I know what Max did got to you but he is a jerk and he's not relevant. We got through this. What happened to us. We just can't go back there again. I think we need to tell dad about it. We have kept it for too long. And if max scares you that much maybe you should tell dad. You should admit what happened," Grace said. 

Charlie looked to her and smiled. "Maybe youre right about what happened. Now Max..I don't know what I am going to do about him yet," Charlie said.

Grace looked to her. She smiled as she pulled her into a hug and smiled. "We've got this."


Charlie walked into Tom's classroom. She sighed  and looked to him. Tom frowned. "Are you okay?" Tom asked his daughter.

Charlie sighed. "I need to talk to you. Something happened to me and Grace. Mum's boyfriend. He did stuff to us. It's starting to get to me. And it scares me. I don't know what to do but I need you dad. I don't know what to do," she sobbed.

Tom stood up and walked over to her and hugged her and smiled. "I know that you are scared. But it's all over I promise," Tom said as he hugged her. 

But little did Charlie know how her father was after revenge for his daughter's.

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