The Apprenticeship of Naegi

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Read in landscape!!!

Now long across the earth they trod that's foreign fair and great,
And move their steeds on ancient roads at simple plodding gate.
There gazing down on Nihon's holds with comely rolling hills,
Along with wonders great and small with which that country's filled.

Though alien charm the land did hold it's charming none the less,
And have not many sages claimed that stranger beauty's best?
Yet sight they see was long beheld from birth to present day
So onward foreign people went on foreign paths and ways,

Not heeding things that men from other lands would stop and heed
Nor feeling deep in heart what's wonder's great and burning need
To gaze yet down on place they roam though place was very fair
Nor long yet any thought did give or great for landscape care.

Instead they both did ponder trials future current deigns
How man was bid to teach the boy and deadly arts to train
He former failed to learn in keep though given plenty help
Along with tutors great and skilled from land in which he dwelt.

Who all did fail to shape the boy into his needed mold,
And neither made his blade be skilled or heart be very bold.
So task did fall to noble man who's forced as serf to live
To train the child yet all alone with only skills he's give.

Yet worries warrior hid in heart so child would fail to see,
Or start their task in state of fear that makes him fail to heed
The teaching man would give the boy in all the warring ways
That men who came before the two in ages past did pave.

So many days did come and go across the land they trekked,
And neither one did speak a word their silence fear abets
Of things to come and hindrance sure that pair are bound to face
Yet still they both unwilling go though took at plodding pace.

Till pair did rest at overlook that showed their final goal
A tiny peasant village stood where former warrior bodes.
So slow on roads they winded down to place where serfs do sprawl
Yet far from all that's handsome made in princely warring halls.

And boy did see the peasant folk refuse to meet their eyes,
Nor up from work was any man for even instance pried
For although pair do hold inglorious rank it still is held
Above the head of humble folk who down in village dwell.

Then finally reaching stable yard from steeds the pair do climb,
And little ways they upward go on slope to hut yet find
Where warriors spent his days since leaving fortress Daimyo held
Where all his warring kin and kind in leisure current dwell.

So up they go not stopping short to very forest edge
Where laid a tiny peasant hut that's bound on side by hedge.
So far from village down below where rest of serfs yet dwelled
There working hard to wring from lots the riches earth had held.

Now both inside the hut yet go unloading bags and goods,
And both before the other man's appraising eyes yet stood.
The boy the teacher gave by father, king, and sovereign lord
Who made his son to go to man as bidden feudal chore.

The man did also stare at child and judged with greatest grief
The one that king had gave to man and bid him ways to teach.
For child who walked from village up to cottage man did dwell
Possessed a form yet worn of breath that's very deeply fell,

That man though wound himself did fail to gain or current hold
From easy trek that pair had made to reach his humble bode.
So spoke he quick to chide the boy and make it known his ways
That soon his sordid heir would learn and do as teacher bade.

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